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Becoming Indispensable to Your Company

By: SmallBizClub


Becoming indispensable to your company is not a quick and easy task. You must be dedicated to this agenda for the duration of your career. But it is a worthwhile endeavor if you like the company you work for and see yourself staying there for the long haul. It takes time, but these steps can only help you to succeed.

Continue Your Education
Many people believe that once they finish their last degree they can sit back and enjoy their career on cruise control. You should remain current on the latest laws, regulations, skills, trends, etc., within your field. Completing additional advanced degrees may not be necessary. You should, however, complete certificate programs and attempt to acquire skills that no one else in the company possesses. You could even possibly complete other degrees that will give you a new perspective in your chosen field. For example, if you have gone into marketing or finance, you could complete a masters degree of business, every company would be happy to have a multi-faceted employee. 
Network Internally
Getting noticed and being known are likely to keep you off the termination list. If no one at work knows who you are or what it is that you do, you are far more likely to be made redundant over someone who plays on the company softball team, volunteers for projects and has mentoring lunches with management.
Keep Moving Forward
Do not remain complacent with your position. Always be seeking out management experience opportunities to prepare for more responsibility within the company. Such actions will demonstrate that you are looking for a long-term career within the organization rather than being seen as a flight risk.
Language is Essential
Learn foreign languages that are essential in other areas of the business. Your job may be downsized someday, however if you are able to speak a language such as Mandarin or Arabic, you are likely to take a lateral move within the company rather than a move out the door. It is also key to learn challenging and new computer programming languages for the same logic. If no one else in the IT department has that particular skill, you are more likely to be kept on over the others.
Be Positive
Having a positive attitude will take you much further than you could ever possibly realize. Companies spend millions on creating the ideal culture and hiring people that fit in well with said culture. If you are negative and generally unpleasant with whom to work, you are less likely to be considered for projects requiring teamwork and your value and worth within the organization will continue to diminish until it is too late. Always try to be positive and work on being a team player.
In the end, no one is completely indispensable. But there are many different ideas and assets you can continually bring to the table of a business or company. These are just a few tips that will help to keep you around for much longer than your average co-worker. 
Brionna KennedyAuthor: Brionna Kennedy is native to the Pacific Northwest. When she isn’t writing, she lives for the outdoors. Oregon has been the perfect setting to indulge her love of kayaking, rock climbing, and hiking. For this article Brionna researched masters and bachelors in business management online for those looking to further their education.
Published: March 12, 2014

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