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4 Simple Ways to Boost Team Morale and Engagement

By: SmallBizClub


Simple Ways to Boost Team Morale and Engagement

It’s a well-known fact that happy employees are more productive, loyal, and more likely to stay in their role for a longer amount of time. But as an employer or manager, how do you keep morale high and ensure it stays that way? Read on for our top tips on boosting team morale and keeping the engagement level of your employees high.

Organize regular social events outside of office hours

Arranging and financially contributing towards regular events for employees not only raises team morale but it gives workmates the opportunity to get to know each other outside of an office environment. Regular displays of appreciation by organizing fun events

help make them feel valued and provides a great opportunity for team building and relationship development. The event could be an activity based day out, a day trip somewhere, or even just a nice lunch with a few drinks to at the end of a particularly busy and stressful month.

Give feedback

It’s vital to give your staff regular and constructive feedback on both individual tasks and their overall performance. While most companies do provide employees with structured feedback on an annual basis, it is important to do this informally as well.

Saying thank you for tasks that have been completed well and on time, as well as acknowledging an individual’s small day to day achievements is worth a million dollars and can really brighten up someone’s day. The worst situation an employee can be in is to only receive feedback when it is negative so make sure that you are noticing the good things as well as the bad.

Ask for feedback

The only thing as important as giving your staff feedback, is asking for their input in return. If you want to improve team morale, then make sure your employees feel as if they are a part of a team to begin with. By asking for their suggestions for improvements, new ideas, and criticisms, you are assuring them that they are more than just desk fillers, and that they are in fact an integral part of your business.

By asking them what troubles they encounter in their work, and asking for suggestions to improve it, you increase the probability of the standard of the working environment being raised, as well as the engagement level from each employee.

Give individual attention

In today’s fast paced business environment and with ever advancing leaps in technology, it’s easy to manage entire international conglomerates from behind a single computer screen. But just because it is possible, doesn’t mean that you should.

All businesses use email, Skype and other messaging services to communicate with employees but electronic communication should never replace face to face management. By all means, send emails and Skype messages but make time to catch up with your staff on an individual and face to face basis as often as time allows.

Even just a quick “hello, how are you getting on?” makes all the difference. If you treat your staff like humans other than faceless robots operating a computer, then you will be rewarded with high morale and a high engagement level from each single one.

Author: Elena Tahora is a marketing manager at CSB International.

Published: January 31, 2017

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