Do You Need Directors and Officers Liability Insurance?

Many risks that your business faces are directed at your company’s actions. However, there are other dangers that apply specifically to individuals and their actions. Directors and Officers Liability Insurance (D&O) protects your company’s CEO, COO, CFO, and other corporate officers and outside directors.
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8 Keys to Entrepreneurs Who Can Make New Markets

The ultimate compliment that any entrepreneur can get is that they can “see around corners.” This is a statement that they are willing and able (and successful) at projecting market and technology turns, not just straight-line innovations. They have the courage to make bold decisions, often contrary to conventional market research.
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Leadership Lessons from Jeff Bezos

Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world. But in 1995, when the company launched, it was an online book retailer. The key to Amazon’s success? Founder Jeff Bezos. His unique managing style has spurred company evolution and innovation since its birth.
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3 Pillars of All Successful Organizations

Business results are the ultimate outcome. If you set your goal to develop engaged employees who create loyal customers, then your organization will be resistant to competitive pressures and deliver stronger business results, more efficiently.
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Being Clear with Expectations

Few things are as frustrating as working for a manager who gives you an annual review and tells you all the things she thinks you should have been doing during the past year. How is this information helpful now? The year is over. Why weren’t these expectations expressed earlier?
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Create and Nurture Your Collective Intelligence

At the MIT Center of Collective Intelligence, professors and graduate students are wrestling with an important opportunity—and gaining ground. With new collaborative tools available for use in the cloud, people are no longer isolated in their creative endeavors.
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Which Leadership Styles Are Most Effective?

The ability to take a team from “getting the job done” to “surpassing every goal and expectation with flying colors” requires an understanding of the difference between what it means to manage a group of people and lead a group of people. For as many individuals that are leaders, there are almost as many ways to lead.
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