Posts Tagged ‘Teresa Allen’
The Weakest Link of Customer Service
Some of us remember the lady in the long black trench coat who hosted the short lived but interesting television program called ‘The Weakest Link.’ A recent service experience made me think of the title of this show.
Read More A Tale of Two Airlines
Traveling can sometimes be a bit of a nightmare. Can I hear a rousing ‘AMEN’ to that?! As in every service situation, the experience can be made better or worse by the customer service personnel you encounter.
Read More “Of Course!” Customer Service in Two Words
When traveling, I always observe how hospitality and customer service makes me like or dislike a location or business. Let me tell you, customer service and memorable hospitality is alive and thriving in Greece!
Read More Do Your Signs Send the Right Customer Service Message?
Signs can reinforce your brand and your customer service commitment or they can negate the very image you are trying to project. When was the last time you did an audit of the visual first impressions received by your customers?
Read More Certifications to Build Customer Service Skills and Careers
The experts at Software Advice, an online resource for customer service software buyers, recently compiled a summary of customer service certifications that can be obtained by service professionals. As is true with any profession in a highly competitive job market, certifications can give a job seeker an advantage over their competitors.
Read More Smile + Personalization = Customer Service Success
How many times have you purchased something when it was just a transaction? How different when you the customer become a person with a LIFE in which the customer service representative takes genuine interest.
Read More Come Sail Away from Competitors with Customer Service
This weekend I took a stroll down memory lane at a fantastic Styx and Foreigner Soundtrack of Summer concert. What was interesting to me from a business and customer service standpoint was the many ways the audience was involved in the concert.
Read More Are You Planning to Get Engaged?
Whether you are single or married, you may need to get engaged this year! According to a recent Gallup Study on the State of the American Workplace there is a definite link between employee and customer engagement to customer growth and even to EPS.
Read More Different Strokes for Different Customer Service Folks a Relationship Barrier?
If a brand is trying to attract loyal customers, how are they going to do that if customer service to customers who have not reached that point is less than “good?”
Read More A Step a Month to Better Customer Service
We all resolve to do better in a New Year, but how many of us really make a plan? What if you had a concrete plan for customer service improvement for each month of the year?
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