4 Ways the Wayfair Tax Affects Retailers

When the Supreme Court decided in June 2018 that states could now require online retailers and other remote sellers to collect sales tax from customers, even if the retailer didn’t have a presence in that state, it was big news. Commonly called the “Wayfair Tax,” the legal ability for states to force online retailers to…

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A Guide to the Wayfair Tax

In June 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on a case that will affect many online retailers across the nation. Previously, states were prevented from requiring that online and other remote sellers collect sales tax unless the seller had a physical presence in that state. The decision in the new case, South Dakota v. Wayfair, changed…

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What the New Tax Law Could Mean for Your Earnings

Signed into law last December (2017), the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made wholesale changes to the tax code. While you may be aware of many of these changes, you may not realize the full impact the law will have on your paycheck stub if you are employed, or on your income if you…

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Taxation of Corporations: C Corporation and S Corporation

There are generally two ways corporations may be taxed under the federal rules. By default, a corporation is taxed under Subchapter C of the Internal Revenue Code. However, a corporation may instead elect to be taxed under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code. The selection of a certain type of entity structure or election…

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How Cutting SALT Deductions Affects Your Taxes

As part of the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Congress placed a $10,000 limit on deductions for state and local taxes, commonly called SALT. If you typically pay less SALT than that, then no problem, right? Many taxpayers in states with high income taxes, though, don’t see it that way. They feel the regulation…

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Payroll Tax Errors: Who Does the IRS Hold Accountable?

If you are an employer or employee who has fallen behind on payroll taxes and are now facing a hefty bill from the Internal Revenue Service, ignoring it will not make it go away. When it comes to unpaid payroll taxes, the IRS often comes down much harder on taxpayers than they do with unpaid…

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Tax Planning for Pass-Through Business Entities After Tax Reform

Tax planning under the TCJA for pass through entities is a post for small business owners everywhere paying US income taxes. Now that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is in full swing, many of you have been clamoring for tax planning strategies. This post addresses some essential aspects of the Act and suggest some strategic…

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Can Starting a Bitcoin Business Help You Save on Taxes?

Whenever you start in business, detailed financial planning is paramount. You need to make accurate sales and expenditure forecasts to understand if and when your enterprise is expected to become profitable. While it’s a given that taxation will be integral to your planning, how much you’re expected to hand over to the taxman is not…

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