Americans Abroad on Self-Employment Taxes on Foreign Income

How does self-employment tax work for those Americans, who live abroad, travel the world and work for themselves? Well, you still have to pay US taxes on foreign income if you are a freelancer, independent contractor, digital nomad or entrepreneur abroad. Yes, US tax laws apply no matter where in the world you live and…

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How Long Should I Keep My Tax Records?

Now that you are filing away your business or personal tax records for the year, you may be wondering just how long you need to keep those records. After all, your filing cabinets and storage boxes can only hold so much stuff, right? The IRS offers some specific guidance on this subject. Here’s a look…

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Payroll Tax vs. Income Tax: How They Work for Canadian Payroll

Payroll tax and income tax. These two short, simple words are the source of so many payroll questions (and confusion). It’s really no wonder because as laypeople, we hear or read “income tax”—we think personal income tax or possibly business income tax. Payroll taxes, on the other hand, are often an unknown and rather eye-opening…

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Employees’ Fringe Benefits After Tax Reform

Tax reform made a lot of changes, some of which impacted employees’ fringe benefits. This article reviews the most frequently encountered fringe benefits, including those that were and were not impacted by tax changes. These changes can affect both a business’s bottom line and its employees’ deductions. Benefits Impacted by Tax Reform Qualified Transportation Fringe…

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What is the Schedule K-1 Tax Form for Businesses?

Are you a partner in a business? Do you receive distributions from an S corporation? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then the business entity you participate in should have provided you with a Schedule K-1 tax form. But just what is a Schedule K-1 and how does it work? Reporting Pass-through…

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Why Did I Receive a Payroll Tax Notice?

Letters from the IRS are never fun. What makes it worse is not knowing why you got one in the first place. When it comes to payroll tax payments and potential fees, you want to get to the heart of the issue ASAP. But first, take a deep breath… It’s likely that you missed a simple…

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Comparing Payroll Software: What You Need to Know

When you started your business, choosing online payroll for your small business probably wasn’t one of your most top-of-mind priorities. That is until you need to pay yourself or you hire your first employee. That’s when you quickly realize how much time it takes to run payroll manually. Perhaps this is why payroll is one…

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Tax Deductions for Small Business Owners

If you own a small business, you know that every dollar can be important to the success of your business. One way to improve your odds for success is to make sure that you are taking all the tax deductions you’re entitled to. Especially if you’re just starting your business, you will want to claim…

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Right-Brain Finances: Tax Deductions for Creative Types

People who use the right side of their brains to work, day in and day out, are often referred to as creative types. These people include graphics designers, professional writers, commercial artists, movie makers, online content providers, flower arrangers, and others who produce original or inventive work. If you’re a creative individual who is self-employed,…

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