Starting a Business? 5 Things You Must Know

Starting a new business is an exciting, but busy time with so much to be done and so little time to do it in. And, if you expect to have employees, there are a variety of federal and state forms and applications that will need to be completed to get your business up and running
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The Shoulds and Should Nots of Deductions

Working for yourself means you are responsible for your taxes. There’s no employer deducting from your wages as you go. Thus, it’s up to you to keep track of your earnings, and very importantly, understand what you can and cannot write off as a deduction.
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Unrelated Business Taxable Income

Non-profit organizations in the United States do not pay income tax on their “income.” However, when a non-profit ventures into certain business activities, it will owe income tax on this income, termed “unrelated business taxable income (UBTI).”
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5 Payroll Tax Mistakes to Avoid

If you have at least one employee, you are responsible for payroll taxes. These include withholding federal (and, where appropriate, state) income taxes and FICA tax from employees’ wages as well as paying the employer share of FICA tax and federal and state unemployment taxes.
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How Do I Set Up My New Business for Tax Purposes?

New business owners often ask, “How do I set up my business for tax purposes?” One of the choices you make when starting a business is the type of legal organization you select. This decision can affect how much you pay in taxes, the amount of bookkeeping and paperwork required, the personal liability you might be responsibility for, and your ability of borrow money.
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