Should You Employ the Internet of Things in Your Business?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been around for a few years, and companies have been integrating one-stop systems to have a collection of IoT devices together to make life more convenient. You can see examples of this by looking at smart-homes where simple processes have become automated like that of temperature control, vacuuming, and…

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How to Build a Service Business with an IoT Framework

What is the machine of the future? It’s still an assembly of parts, gears, and electronics—but that’s not all. The machine of the future is also an integrated collection of sensors and actuators connected by software (think Tesla). That’s according to Dr. Timothy Chou, author of Precision: Principles, Practices, and Solutions for the Internet of Things (Crowdstory, 2016).…

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How Small Businesses Can Harness IOT

When it comes to competing with big businesses, small businesses often don’t have the resources or budget to warrant working at such a high capacity. However, modern technology can help small businesses rank in the big world. More specifically, the internet of things can help small businesses function on a macro-level. The internet of things…

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How Large IoT Applications Can Help Your Small Business

Where the Internet Of Things is concerned, small businesses can sometimes get lost in the shuffle. That’s because we tend to think of the IoT on two different levels: individual, where connected tools and gadgets can help with everyday convenience and lifestyle; and industry, where broader systems can help massive companies to function more smoothly.…

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