Why You Should Freeze Your Credit Right Now

An icy, snow covered credit report in a snowstorm illustrates the idea of freezing your credit report. This is a credit freeze

If you’ve been considering a credit freeze, now is the time to act. This free process is designed to prevent creditors from accessing your credit report unless you explicitly authorize it. This effectively blocks potential creditors from viewing or pulling your file, making it significantly more difficult for identity thieves to apply for new credit…

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What to Do If Your Phone Is Stolen: A Step-by-Step Guide


Losing a phone is a stressful experience in itself, but if your phone is stolen, the situation becomes even more urgent. In an age where our smartphones hold more than just contacts and messages—personal photos, banking apps, social media accounts, and other sensitive data—acting quickly to protect your privacy and minimize damage is crucial. The…

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Is Blockchain Tech A Solution To Digital Identity Theft? 

Identity theft has grown exponentially in recent years, and some of us may have even experienced it before. While the pre-modern era of identity theft involved looking for information or bank accounts through trash cans or snooping around, digital identity theft involves hackers using different methods to access databases or hack an individual’s device to…

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3 Surefire Tips for Identity Theft Guards and Fraud Protection

Few people realize the amount of information available online or in electronic data caches that reveal specific details about our lives and financial transactions. Although you may feel that some of the more intimate details, like your shoe size, shampoo preferences, and tunes for singing in the shower, are hidden from the general public, think…

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