6 Ways Flexible Scheduling for Workers Boosts Productivity

As the world evolves in exciting new ways, so is the way that many institutions function. From reducing workweeks to offering remote options, flexible work scheduling is becoming a normalized part of the working landscape. For some, the idea that workers are beginning to have more freedom spells trouble. However, in stark contrast to these…

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How to Create a Schedule Your Employees Will Love

The typical 9-to-5, seven-day schedule is becoming a thing of the past. Technology, global commerce, and a new generation of workers are ushering in new ways to work. And workers are favoring more flexible schedules and shorter workdays and workweeks. But for many small businesses, accommodating schedule requests might be difficult or just impossible. Regardless,…

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Define a Flexible Schedule That Works for Your Workplace

Let’s go ahead and address the elephant in the office. The Internet has forever changed how we work, and in turn, where and when we can work. The entire team no longer has to be physically in the office to be connected to co-workers, systems and client information. Experts like Cali Ressler, the co-creator of…

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Advantages of Telecommuting

For some companies, telecommuting can be a beneficial option. In a telecommuting arrangement, you use telecommunications technology in place of the commute back and forth to the office. It usually involves working from home, although it might also mean using a satellite office.
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