5 Simple Steps for Finding the Right Business Idea

When I was first considering to become an entrepreneur some six years ago, I had lots of different business ideas. However, none of them just felt right and I wasn’t sure if they were good enough to warrant me making the leap. And I’m not alone. Most of the would-be entrepreneurs that I meet have…

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7 Key Follow-Up Steps to Take Your Idea to a Business

In my experience with entrepreneurs, there seems to a wealth of self-proclaimed “idea people” who aspire to start businesses, but only a few who are willing and able to dig in and get the job done. All the great ideas in the world won’t make a business, if the ideas never get implemented. Only rare…

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The Power of “Ritual Questions”

Recently, I read an article about “Ritual Questions.” It’s a powerful concept–but I think leaders can take the concept much further. As I work with and study great leaders, I’ve noticed they all do something similar. They ask the same questions over and over. The questions are a little different depending on the person and the…

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Looking to Start an Online Business with Selling Potential?

Many people dream of staying at home and building a business empire using only their kitchen table and a laptop. But with the number of online businesses going through the roof, it can be extremely hard — and daunting — to figure out how to make this work. For the past nine years, I’ve helped over 600 entrepreneurs sell…

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10 Top Revenue Models Drive Viable Businesses Today

I was mentoring some graduate students at a local university recently, and I sensed again that profit seems to be a dirty word these days to many aspiring entrepreneurs. I’m certainly not a fan of customer rip-offs, but even non-profits have to be cash-flow positive, or have deep pockets, to help anyone for long. Every…

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9 Eco-Friendly Business Ideas You Should Consider for Your Startup

Eco-friendly businesses are becoming more common. This is because more consumers are demanding that companies behave in a socially responsible way. An eco-friendly business minimizes waste, uses all resources efficiently, and minimizes negative impacts on the environment. Start the green revolution in your own small way with these nine eco-friendly business ideas. Organic Food Business…

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Opening a Restaurant? Know Your Business Financing Options

The restaurant and foodservice industries can be called completely unique without exaggeration. People who haven’t had experience working in a restaurant have a hard time seeing how difficult it can be to find a concept that works while juggling tight profit margins and bruising hours along the way. Things don’t get much easier when people…

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How to Sell Your Idea for an App

There are 1,000+ stories about self-made app millionaires like Nick D’Aloisio (Summly) and Sergey Gonchar (MSQRD), who sold their apps to IT tycoons floating around the Internet. Perhaps too many of them. It’s no wonder every Tom, Dick and Harry believes he can easily pitch his app idea to Google and drawn in cash. What…

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8 Ways the Maker Movement Turns Ideas into Businesses

In case you haven’t noticed it, the rapid evolution of do-it-yourself (DIY) facilities for developers, including 3-D printers, SketchUp and makerspaces such as TechShop, have scaled down the cost of prototypes and hardware design by an order of magnitude. This movement, coupled with free websites and apps, makes it possible for almost any technical person to start a…

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