Certifications to Build Customer Service Skills and Careers

The experts at Software Advice, an online resource for customer service software buyers, recently compiled a summary of customer service certifications that can be obtained by service professionals. As is true with any profession in a highly competitive job market, certifications can give a job seeker an advantage over their competitors.
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The Customer Satisfaction Conundrum

The bottom line is the customer satisfaction is not as simple as it used to be. No longer are customers uniquely loyal to only one brand. Certainly, it is important to maintain customer satisfaction, but the satisfaction scores by themselves are not sufficient to ensure sustainability and growth.
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Policies That Work Against Great Customer Service

So many times, businesses establish policies that work for them but penalize their customers. Now go out and make sure you do not have any policies that seem like they are serving your business but are really reducing your sales and diminishing the quality of customer service you provide.
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