25 Amazing Customer Service Statistics

Here are some customer service statistics that demonstrate the power of a positive customer service experience.  Note each statistic is provided with a reference for its source.  These statistics were compiled by Gigi Peccolo, the Content Manager at OneReach, a consulting firm. By the year 2020 (coming up fast!), customer service will beat out price and product as the key brand…

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Personality Matters: 3 Traits for Call Center Agents

Call centers have consistently high turnover rates. Turnover rates as high as 20 percent are considered “low,” and some call centers even have the distinction of achieving 100 percent turnover. It’s not hard to see why: The work is stressful (and often frustrating), the pay is low, and the career path isn’t always clear. For that reason,…

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How Easy is It to Do Business with You?

Do you how know easy (or difficult) it is for your customers to do business with your SMB (small-medium business) or nonprofit? If you’re not sure, I suggest you find out. Why am I asking you this today? Because I recently had a customer experience that was so poor, I have to share it. Albeit,…

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The Weakest Link of Customer Service

Some of us remember the lady in the long black trench coat who hosted the short lived but interesting television program called ‘The Weakest Link.’ A recent service experience made me think of the title of this show.
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Not Saying “No” to a Customer

One of the hardest things to do is tell a customer they cannot have what they are requesting. Simply saying “no” sends the message that you are unwilling to listen or help. It ends the conversation and leaves the customer feeling angry that their concerns are not being heard and their desires will not be met.
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6 Golden Rules for Handling Customer Complaints

Most employees hate complaints. They don’t like having to deal with customers who call or visit their store or office with a complaint. What they don’t understand is that a complaint is actually a positive thing. You can’t always meet every customer’s expectations.
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