How to Write Ads

It’s easy to say you want to put together an ad—but it’s a lot harder to write a compelling one that customers will remember. You might not think of yourself as a great writer, but by following some basic guidelines, you can create effective ad copy.
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The Marketing Plan: Essential Elements

Have you thought about your marketing plan? To compete in a crowded marketplace, you have to go in with a plan that you’ve thought about and put together carefully and intentionally. No matter what stage your business is at, you should have a plan for your marketing efforts.
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Educate Your Customers

It may sound strange, but educating your customers should be the centerpiece of your marketing strategy. It’s one of the best ways to increase sales and turn people into long-term customers. We all like to do business with people we trust, and sharing relevant knowledge builds trust quickly.
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Dealing with a Loss

What do you do in the event of a loss? As time goes on, your business is almost certain to have deal with an accident, storm, or other kind of loss at some point. By following these steps, you and your business will be able to come through the crisis strong as ever.

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Email Security

There are an alarming number of ways that email can be intercepted or hacked. When you are transmitting personally identifiable information, such as social security numbers, bank accounts, credit card information, and more, you must take important precautions.
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Reasonable Person Principle

Any time you get a group of people together, there are bound to be misunderstandings and disagreements. How you handle these situations is important for a strong corporate culture. The Reasonable Person Principle is a simple but effective approach to building a culture of trust.
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Encourage Independent Thinking

Encouraging independent thinking among your team members will generate new ideas and give everyone a stake in your business’s success. To make it happen, you must be willing to listen and engage with everyone, taking advantage of the different experiences and perspectives of your team members.
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Bad News Doesn’t Get Better with Age

Small business owners have to deal with reality. You cannot solve a problem by ignoring it. Bad news will not get better with age. An open culture means being open to honest feedback of any kind, whether positive or negative. Mistakes are ok, but you have to recognize them and move on.
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The Brand of You

Everyone talks about brand. But in a small business, the most important brand you can build is the brand of you. All the little details of how you run your business will communicate your brand to customers, much more than the things you say your brand is. That brand is you.
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