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Leveling Up with An MBA for Non-business Majors

By: Andrew Deen


graduating with an m b a

Scenario: You graduated college with a degree in English. You’re creative. So creative, in fact, that you started your own business. Great, right? Except there’s a small problem: Your capstone course on Chaucer didn’t exactly prepare you to manage payroll or handle the finances of a small business.

The solution? Getting your MBA. Though commonly thought to be only for business majors, MBAs are a great way for people from most educational backgrounds to get valuable career skills. It will help you learn more about your trade and possibly even establish useful connections within your local business community.

In this article, we take a look at why getting an MBA is a great idea, both for small business owners, and for people who are simply looking to enhance their career mobility prospects.

You Can Begin an MBA Program Without Business Degree

First, it’s important to mention that the vast majority of MBA programs will accept you even if you do not have a degree in business. More often than not, your degree is less important than your transcript.

Did you have a high GPA? What about extracurriculars? People who are still in college and considering following up their coursework with an MBA should work hard to boost up their GPA, and establish themselves as an active presence on campus. Not only will this improve your odds of getting into the program, but it may even up the potential for grants and scholarships.

Skill Overlap

Even though your background might not be in business, your program most certainly emphasized skills that will come in handy as you pursue your MBA. Were you an English major? If so, you will be well adapted for the intense reading, the communication, the collaboration, and the writing that goes into any MBA program.

Or maybe you were a math major. If so, you will be well adapted for the logic and reasoning that are essential to the process of getting an MBA.

Once again, current students are particularly well-positioned to capitalize on the potential for skill overlap. If you are still eligible to enroll in undergraduate classes, consider registering for classes that will be beneficial to your MBA studies.

This may mean taking a business elective, or it may simply involve finding classes within your current program that focus on skills you will need later on.

If you are unsure what sort of classes you should take, consider speaking with your academic advisor. Tell them that you are interested in pursuing an MBA after graduation, and they should be able to steer you towards classes that will help you along the way. They may even be able to put you in contact with people who are active in your college’s MBA curriculum so you can get a feel for the program. A win-win!

Everything is Business

Getting an MBA for non-business majors is wise for the simple reason that every career path, at its heart, involves business. With an MBA, you can work in hospital administration, marketing, management, and more.

MBAs can make tens of thousands of dollars more than undergraduates working in the same field. They get more promotions, they have an easier time getting hired, and they also just learn skills that make them legitimately better suited to their careers.

You don’t have to be a business major to get an MBA because business is everywhere. One way or another, you will almost certainly be operating in a field that is touched by big business. Getting your MBA allows you to do so as a leader.

Easier Than You Think

Getting an MBA might be easier than you think. The process typically takes two to three years and can be very flexible depending on where you decide to get your degree. Even if you have already begun your career, you will find that there are curriculums out there—both online and in-person, that can be adapted to your schedule.

As you decide if getting your MBA is right for you, consider sitting down with your employer. Many businesses offer their employees tuition assistance for getting their MBAs. If yours does not, however, you may still be eligible for grants, scholarships, and financing options that ease the burden of tuition.

In other words, no matter what your schedule or your financial situation is like, and regardless of what degree you got as an undergraduate, there is a path towards getting an MBA that will work for you.

Published: March 29, 2022

Andrew Deen

Andrew Deen has been a consultant for startups in almost every industry from retail to medical devices and everything in between. He implements lean methodology and is currently writing a book about scaling up business. Twitter @AndrewDeen14.

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