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How to Create Foreign Language Voice Overs For More Successful Podcasts

Asian women podcaster podcasting and recording online talk show at studio using headphones, professional microphone and computer laptop on table looking at camera for radio podcast.

Boost your podcast’s potential with a professional foreign language voice over service.

It’s probably safe to say podcast popularity is soaring. In the UK alone, about 7.1 million people listen to podcasts each and every week. That’s an increase of more than 24% on last year and double the listener amounts from over the last five years. Add in the US and pretty much every other country, and you get the picture.

If you’re trying to create a podcast or boost the success of a series you currently run, you probably already know that interest in podcasts overall doesn’t guarantee you success. There’s plenty more to getting podcast subscriptions than simply creating something great, and hoping it will stick.

Marketing, excellent sound quality, clever production and honing in your niche are just some elements of creating a successful podcast. Those elements though, will only take your reach so far. If you really want to extend your podcast reach and truly impact your audience, you might want to consider professional foreign language services to create a voice over, here’s why:

Foreign Language Voice Over For Podcasts

If you want to further your reach beyond English speakers then you need to add a foreign language voice-over recording. This has the potential to enable a global audience of at least 150 million people to access your content.

It’s not just any foreign language voice over you should be utilising though, in fact the wrong one can cause more damage than good. Ideally, you will use a native speaker who is able to use accurate terminology and native language. This avoids miscommunication of your content, enabling all the information you have conveyed to actively reach your audience and gain you new subscribers.

More Than Words

As well as using a native speaker to get your foreign language voice over right, it is also important to get the right voice for the job. Language doesn’t just put across information, it also communicates tone, humour, atmosphere and interest.

If you’ve ever listened to a bad voice over on a movie, you’ll know exactly how impactful the voice actor was in your overall viewer experience. Maybe it was so bad you switched off in the end? Now imagine that, but with a podcast where there aren’t even visual cues for your listener to benefit from. It’s entirely down to your foreign voice artist to properly put across your content so they need to have the right voice.

What Next?

If you are interested in hiring a professional to record a foreign voice over for your podcast consider using a professional voice over agency.

A voice over agency will have a bank of professional actors with well-trained voices, enabling you to find success in extending your podcast reach to different language-speakers, and to different parts of the world. Even better, a professional voice over service will usually give you the choice of male and female voices with different tones and styles to select, so you can get exactly the right voice for your project.

If you want to extend your podcast reach and tap in to a diverse global audience, a professional foreign language voice over service should be your next step.

Published: August 13, 2020

Oliver Michaels

Oliver Michaels BA (Hons) is an independent business consultant from London, specialising in startups, SMEs, B2B and digital marketing, with over 15 years’ experience.

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