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Do It Right the First Time: 7 Tips to Take Your Startup to the Next Level

By: Ryan Kidman



Startups can experience tremendous growth when the owners make the right decisions early on. Here is a checklist for entrepreneurs who wants to take their startup to the next level.

1. Prepare a plan

You need to develop a model that the business is going to follow. The program needs to elaborate on some of the most pertinent issues:

  • The number of employees and how you are going to hire them
  • Your target market
  • How much you are going to charge for your products or services
  • How you are going to make in profit
  • How are you going to provide value for your goods? In the recent past, companies have faced challenges in attracting millennial buyers. That’s because this group is prioritizing the experience over the goods

Have a clear and detailed business plan to help you understand how to execute your strategies, evaluate your ideas, and make realistic targets.

2. Look for co-founders

It is more agreeable to work with co-founders than to work individually. Working with a team will bring new skills and experiences to the table and will give the business a diverse mix of talents.

Preferably, go for people that you can have a professional relationship with and those who can handle the stresses of a startup. Also, keep in mind that it may require plenty of effort and time to identify the right individuals: those who have the right mind and skills. In the end, co-founders should fill the gaps by compensating for the skills you lack.

3. Be open to criticism

Even though you may have 90% of your business plan figured out, take as much feedback as you can and seek criticism. Talk to people: industry leaders, advisors, business experts, and your counterparts.

Ask them what is wrong and try to identify your faults. Keep in mind that you do not have to necessarily agree with them or follow their advice, but the more feedback you have, the better. You will have more information, and it will be easier to make the right decisions.

4. Do not focus on money

There is a consensus that you do not have to worry about the source of your income. Why? Because a good service or product will sell itself.

Placing the focus on money may make you go astray because growth is more than asking for money. It means toiling and always improving on the goods/services regardless of the outcome.

Money is not key. In fact, sometimes businesses get off the ground with no funds or employees. Just focus on value and your business will pick up.

5. Take marketing seriously

This cannot be stressed enough, especially in this digital age. Your business needs to get in front of an audience, and the audience needs to be converted into sales.

While some entrepreneurs may overlook this crucial aspect, it is one of the investments that may keep the ball rolling in the right direction.

6. Talk to your customers

Potential clients are what make up a business. Take time to learn about the people who are going to buy or use your products/services because they determine the fate of your business.

The sooner you learn about your customers, the better positioned you will be to serve them better. Because, after all, any business changes you make in the future will affect your most loyal customers.

7. Hire people who bring out the best in you

Work with people who can push you, whether they are your co-founders, partners, mentors, employees, or friends.

Such people are bound to make you better because they will always come up with bold ideas. They will make you realize that you can perform better than you thought and will likely push the business to greater heights. And of course, do not forget that a great team should be complemented with a productive workspace.


The startup space experiences frequent changes, and you need great ideas to remain afloat. Leverage these ideas, and you will be ready to hit the ground running.

Ryan KidmanAuthorRyan Kidman is a big data and analytics expert, marketing digital products on Amazon’s Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he’s totally into it. Follow his latest posts on Business Catalyst. Follow him at @ryankhgb.

Published: December 19, 2016

Ryan Kidman

Ryan Kidman is a startup-investor and serial entrepreneur. Founder of Catalyst For Business and contributor to search giants like Yahoo Finance, MSN. He is passionate about blogging and covering topics like big data, business intelligence, startups & entrepreneurship. Follow him on twitter: @ryankhgb

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