If you are like most people nowadays, you are spending a lot of time at home. You may be out of work or you may simply have a lot of free time on your hands. In any case, there has never been a time as good as the present to start an online business.
People are spending more time on their computers than ever before. These are dark days and people need a distraction and what could be a better distraction than shopping? The real question isn’t should you start an online business, but what kind of an online business should you start? There are a few types of products that people will be especially interested in obtaining in the coming year.
1. Teach Classes
Do you speak a foreign language? Are you a math whiz who can teach people how to do their taxes in a couple of hours? Maybe you know how to play the piano or the guitar or make pottery on a wheel.
If you have a skill that you think others might like to learn, teaching classes is a great way to make some money and help people in the process. Several platforms will allow you to offer online classes. You can make videos or even teach one-on-one lessons. If you had a favorite subject in school, you can offer tutorial services.
If you know a thing or two about health and fitness, exercise classes are very popular. People are teaching themselves how to cook these days and lots of cooking means plenty of eating.
People will want a way to exercise off those pounds and inches. Whether you are yoga enthusiasts or you prefer kickboxing, you can make a buck or two and go to work out at the same time.
2. Sell T-shirts Online
People have little reason to dress up these days. People who have jobs are mostly working from home and they are not going out to restaurants or bars nearly as much. Even though people are dressing for comfort, it is still nice to express yourself when you are at the grocery store or taking a walk in the park.
There are a few sites on which you can create a novelty t-shirt or a shirt that expresses a political opinion. You can honor your favorite TV show, rock band, or film. Most of these platforms will also let you sell masks, tote bags, or mugs.
There are companies out there that will have a warehouse full of shirts, and a professional printer. They will print t-shirts on-demand as your customers order them.
3. Hire Yourself Out as a Personal Assistant
While no doubt hiring a personal assistant can help executives and managers save time. Apart from that, only a few know how to do it.
However, early-stage companies or small businesses always try to conserve financial resources — and oftentimes executives’ and managers’ valuable time spent on unusual tasks that they don’t have to do themselves, which leads to talent shortages in the teams.
On the flip side, executives and managers at larger organizations or enterprises have the resources to hire personal assistants but don’t know how to set up a partnership that’ll help them organize their time and work and makes their personal assistant’s skills reach the extra mile.
When you consider all the people who are starting their own businesses days, you have to figure that some of them will need assistance. You can act as a secretary, manager, or even simply a gopher.
You can advertise your services on Facebook or Craigslist. There are plenty of people who will pay good money to have you do the simple things that they don’t have time for.
The pandemic has been hard on everyone, but starting your own business is a way of turning a negative into a positive.