Use the 4-question interview when interviewing direct sales professionals!! An interview does not have to be a formal ‘sit across the table and talk’ kind of event!
Relax, have fun, be yourself, and have a conversation to determine compatibility.
Listen to the Cash Flow Show Radio interview with Jennifer Voss of Thirty-One and learn how she added 41 people to her team.
The 4 Question Interview
Start your recruiting interview in a casual manner with the 4 -question interview.
Whether it is at the show, at the store or at a formal interview you only need to use 4 different recruiting interview questions.
- Do you have any questions or are you ready to get started?
- What is it that interests you about MyFantasticCompany?
- What would you like us to do for you?
- What skills do you have that will make you good at what I do?
Just cycle through these questions, using different word choices to ask the same questions in different ways then keep coming back to the first question.
This recruiting interview process is:
- Low pressure so they are free to say yes.
- Gets them to tell you why they should sign up.
- Eliminates follow up calls.
The 4-question recruiting interview and all of the concepts discussed on this radio show are part of the Direct Sales Recruiting University.
The recruiting interview should be a fact-finding mission for both you as the recruiter and also for the new consultant.
The 4 question interview and the Direct Sales Recruiting University is part of the Cash Flow Show Complete Program on how to do direct sales.