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How to Use Social Media For Your Marketing Campaign


The presence of social media in marketing is no longer a surprising phenomenon nowadays. This is no wonder since Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and all social media platforms are a real goldmine from a marketing standpoint since you can reach a huge number of people at a relatively affordable price.

It is not in vain that they are very popular when an online business aims to increase the conversion rate. Social media contributes a lot to traffic growth, but it doesn’t matter how you take advantage of the opportunities provided by the platforms, because if you create your campaign poorly, it will all be just a waste of money.

Now we’ll show you what to consider for a social media campaign that will surely boost your conversion rate.

About the preparations

In order for your campaign to be successful and your conversion rate to increase, you need to consider a few things. As with any marketing activity, you should do a preliminary analysis to get the most out of your plan.

  • Think about what your goal is. Increasing conversion rate? Maybe just attract visitors to your website? This is important because this is how you will be able to create the elements of your campaign later in the best way.
  • Think about your target audience. It doesn’t matter who you create the campaign for and who will visit your website finally.
  • Think with the brain of your target audience. You’ve almost reached the planning stage of your campaign, but before that, think about how you can reach your target audience. Do they like to read, or can they be caught with smarties?

You may also have to analyze in advance how your visitors or customers behave on your website. This will allow you to use the best CTAs and creative elements in your campaign, which will greatly increase your chances of increasing your conversion rate.

  • Aware of the information, create the campaign. Write a post, take pictures or videos based on preliminary analyzes. Precisely set your target audience and your goal on the particular social media platform, believe us it’s easier than you think, as there are plenty of built-in filters on these interfaces.
  • Remember, life doesn’t stop after the campaign. Unfortunately, it’s not at all certain that what you think is effective is actually.

Take A/B tests and keep track of your metrics because you have to react right away if there is any problem. If you neglect this step, you could easily miss the coveted increase in conversion rate.

We know this sounds very complicated right now, but don’t worry, it’s not that hard in practice. The point is that you certainly can’t go wrong along with these mentioned steps; use these few points as a kind of crutch of reference.

The creative part

You have surveyed your target audience, you are already aware of your goal and you know how you will execute the campaign. What else do you need, since you really know everything that you need to create a successful conversion rate boosting campaign on social media interfaces?

Now the creative part has arrived, which is also the last stage of a social media advertisement. You need to put the whole campaign together. But how?

We recommend that you be sure to break away from old-fashioned practices. Don’t want to share all the information, be concise and accurate, just focus on what you want to achieve with it.

Think about it, Facebook has 2.8 billion users, and more than 10 million companies advertise on this platform. People see an average of 15 ads every day on this platform alone, and that doesn’t yet include other social media interfaces and TV, for example.

The stimulus threshold is huge and you can only get them to pay attention if you stand out from the crowd, you have to be different from an average advertiser. This will be the key to increasing your purchases your conversion rate.

Here are some tips that are guaranteed to get more people to notice you:

  • Avoid long texts. Don’t share everything with your target audience, just describe as text content what you expect from the ad viewer and a few words about the content of the campaign. The focus here is on CTA, as this is one of the most prominent elements of conversion rate boosting.
  • Use special display. Everyone always posts just one picture; you don’t line up. Use collages or collections in which you can display multiple images or even videos at once. This will further reduce the amount of text content and show even more products in your campaign. More products, more purchases, and more conversion rate.
  • Use videos. Although statistics show that on social platforms, on average, they only watch a video for 5 seconds, we recommend that you feel free to use these. More energy to make them, but people will remember it much better as you can convey your message audiovisually.
  • Display your website logo or mascot and have the colors of your website dominate the image or video. This is necessary because it will make it easier for people to associate with you. They’ll get to know you, they’ll know who you are, so they are much more likely to choose your website in the next purchase.

Based on these points, you can already see what to look for when starting a social media campaign. We know these points sound scary, and you can already see that there will be a lot of work to be done with it, many websites also hire a virtual assistant to make things easier, but believe us it’s worth creating the whole campaign for yourself. A successful social media ad can increase your conversion rate by up to 10%, which can multiply in the long run.


Social media interfaces should be an integral part of your marketing campaigns. At regular intervals, you may have to start a 1-1 such campaign in order to keep or even increase your conversion rate.

Avoid the usual solutions, be different from everyone else. Stick to your website and its elements, as in the long run, this will be the key to getting returning customers for yourself. Devote time for the A/B tests, as this will allow you to get the most out of your campaign.

We hope we can help!

Published: October 18, 2021

Anand Srinivasan

Anand Srinivasan is a marketing consultant and the founder of Hubbion, a free to use task management tool for startups, small and medium businesses.

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