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Using Facebook to Find High-Quality Employees
By: Brian Flax

When employers think of online recruiting, LinkedIn is usually the first service that comes to mind. LinkedIn does have a great professional network, but Facebook can be an overlooked source for finding high-quality employees.
Facebook gives employers access to many apps that can help expand their recruiting efforts, including services like BranchOut and Jobvite. With a huge membership base, Facebook is a great place to start when beginning the recruitment process.
Search Using Professional Networking Apps
Facebook recruiting is so much more than just searching the names of random people, and Facebook apps make the process much simpler.
One service, BranchOut, gives recruiters access to employment history, education history, and contact information. Users who give BranchOut access to their information also pass on the information of people in their network that choose to share their details. BranchOut does not allow employers to see personal data, keeping the service strictly professional. Users of the service must also give the app permission to access data, meaning employers can only search those who are actively using the service to find work.
Other services such as Jobvite allow Facebook users to search and apply to job postings directly from their account. Jobvite then allows recruiters to browse through applications and keep recruitment efforts organized all from within the Jobvite platform. Job seekers can also refer friends and family to open positions, and employers can search through profiles to find matches for positions they are trying to fill.
Ask for Referrals from Current Employees
In addition to using Facebook apps to search for possible candidates, it can also be a good idea to tap into the network of the business’s existing talent. This can be accomplished by asking current employees to post on Facebook that the company is actively recruiting, and invite friends and family to apply for the job. Not only can this help match the company with high-quality talent, but also offers employees an opportunity for monetary rewards for referrals.
Create a Company Page
Another great way to find enthusiastic candidates is to create a Facebook page for the company or brand. This allows recruiters to post job openings for all fans of the company to see, without having to use a third-party app in the process.
Be careful not to post too often, as it can be seen as spam if the same job openings are posted day after day. Limit the advertising to a few times per week, and update the page once the position has been filled. Posting about company culture, current employee testimonials, and benefits can be another great way to attract new candidates.
Utilize Facebook Advertising
If the company has the budget available, Facebook advertising can be a great way to target a specific demographic. In addition to targeting specific profile keywords, employers can also limit the ad to certain markets and age groups. Keep in mind that Facebook does charge every time a user clicks an ad, so the cost can really add up depending on the specifics of the campaign.
Facebook recruiting can be a great way to find high-quality employees using third party apps, employee referrals, and targeted ads. It can also help companies establish and maintain an online presence and reputation, all of which can help drive quality candidates to apply for open positions.
Published: October 30, 2013