Here are what I personally believe are 5 of the most critical success factors in any customer service organization.
Many organizations teach employees how to recover from a service failure. Sadly, far fewer aggressively pursue conflict avoidance strategies. Be obsessed about documenting what goes wrong in the customer interaction chain and take steps to avoid these occurrences. An apology is great but can never totally erase a customer wrong.
4. Customers want to be treated as individuals, not as cattle.
Today’s customer wants their entire experience to be custom tailored to their likes and their life. Know why your customer buys your product, how and where they buy it, and exactly how they plan to use it. Teach this to every person in your organization who has interaction with the customer and your customer service will reach a whole new level. Effective use of social media gives you the opportunity to connect one-on-one with customers today more than ever before at a relatively low cost.
5. Improving your customer service will improve your bottom line results.
Customer service is not a feel-good exercise. A carefully planned customer service strategy will make your customers and staff feel better, but this is not the reason for the endeavor. The reason is that customers spend more with companies providing exceptional service—the latest studies say as much as 9 percent more. If this is true, then your investment in customer service training will have a significant payback. If your sales numbers aren’t what you would like them to be, perhaps you should look at your investment in the service provided to your customers. This investment must not only include customer service training for front-line staff, but also an operational structure that supports their efforts, and a management team that champions the cause.