COVID1-19 has reached into all levels of American society and brought change. From school schedules to the world of restaurant dining and organized sports, it’s a different world now.
However, it’s apparent that at some point in time, it’s likely that communities all over the globe will have access to an effective vaccine. Once the vaccine is in place, things are likely to go back to normal. A
ll businesses of all sizes need to have a plan in place once this happens. This is especially true for small business owners. Careful attention to detail can help all small businesses bounce back from this ongoing tragedy, please existing customers and get new, happy clients.
Create A Long Term Plan
All business owners should think of both short-term and long-term plans. Now is the time to consider where they’ll be six months from now, one year and five years beyond that. For example, keep in mind that activities postponed due to coronavirus are likely to take place next year.
If you’re thinking about attending a trade show conference in 2021, order custom tents online in 2020. Now is the time to set up all you need to get things done for next year. It’s also the time to set up preparations so you’ll avoid rushing to get it all in place at the last minute.
Effective Marketing
Marketing is one of those business tasks that need to work well every time. Every company needs a marketing strategy based on their individual plans. Take the time to set aside a part of your marketing budget to reassure your clients that you’re there for them right now.
Social media efforts via outlets such as Facebook posts allow for a direct connection with clients. Target specific clients in your area to let them know of your efforts to ensure their safety when shopping with you. Participate in local groups. If the street fair got canceled, you could still participate in online marketing efforts targeted at clients in your immediate area. Once restrictions are lifted, you’ll have established personal and long-lasting connections.
Be Ready to Go With Your Employees
Layoffs and disruptions in staffing may have been necessary. When going back to normal, make sure your employees are there with you as your business bounces back. Restrictions will likely get lifted in stages.
All small business owners should have a plan that allows them to respond to such changes immediately. They should also work closely with employees to ensure all employees understand what needs to get done and why. If customers are allowed inside in small groups, make sure an employee is following these guidelines. Once the numbers allowed inside are increased, you’ll want to inform all your employees of these facts. Employees should also be there to answer any questions people might have about the aftermath of the virus.
Filling Gaps
Use the virus as a chance to have a close look at what works and what might need improvement. When times are slack, this is a chance to see where the deadwood lies. If a product line wasn’t selling before the virus and isn’t selling after it, now is the time to redo it, get rid of it completely, or find out how to retain your customers at a higher percentage.
The lull means a chance to see the road ahead even more clearly. It’s an opportunity to have a much leaner, more efficient business once COVID-19 has passed.