3 Perfect Gifts for Employees During the Pandemic
By: Marinus Nutma

It has been a crazy year! A year in which working from home became the standard and celebrating the holiday abroad was no longer an option. Also 2021 will be a little different this year…
Unfortunately due to all restrictions, we can’t celebrate it together with all our loved ones. A big disappointment for all those people that have had a rough year and hoped that 2021 would be a moment of happiness and light in this pandemic. But there are many ways to make 2021 special, even this year.
Celebrating a new year is not only limited to our families or home, but also to our respective workplace. As an employer for example, you can give your employees a great gift to express your gratitude for their hard work the last few months. They deserve something extra! Are you looking for a perfect gift for your employee that will appease and cheer them? Then make sure to read on, because in this article we’ll give you some great ideas for the gifts in 2021.
A gift card
Some people think that gift cards are easy and boring. But actually it’s the most flexible gift you can give. Your employees can choose whatever they like. And even with gift cards you can be a little creative.
For instance, you can give your employees a gift card for a movie of their choice. By movie we don’t mean a trip to the movie theater as most cinemas are closed now, but a movie they can stream in their own house. Consequently, they can enjoy the latest movies from their own couch.
Or what about a gift card for takeaway food from their favourite local restaurant. Consequently, your employees can still ‘go out for dinner’ in some way. Besides, you support your locals!
And have you thought of a gift card for a massage or wellness resort so that your employees can recharge their internal batteries? A great gift through which you can show your employees that you care about their mental health. They can dream away for a day in the hot tub or swim spa (Dutch: zwemspa). Are the resorts not open yet? Then try a hotel with wellness facilities!
Books and board games
What to do during the holiday season if almost everything is closed? From restaurants and shops to museums and theaters… due to the corona restrictions doing fun things outdoors is almost impossible. Therefore, as an employer you can think of a awesome gift that makes it fun to stay inside. You can, for example, plan on giving a book to your employees and help them to fill up their bookshelf. Or what about fun board games? No one is ever too old to play board games.
Online workshop
Have you ever thought of giving your employees an online workshop? Unfortunately at this time, attending a workshop in real life is not possible. But luckily there are great alternatives online. For example, your employees can join a wine tasting. The sommelier will send out packages of wines to all participants in advance and will give instructions and explanations in the online session. Tasty and fun!
Or what about a cooking lesson online? Due to Corona and staying home, many people rediscovered cooking. You can help them with creating the best homemade meals through inviting them to a professional online cooking course.
Which gift is your favourite?