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4 Key Traits of Great Business Leaders

By: SmallBizClub


4 Key Traits of Great Business Leaders

Steve Jobs once said: “Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” If you are about to become a business leader and fulfill your leadership potential, that is exactly what you should do—try to be the best and to nurture the qualities that you have which make a good leader. Here are some of the abilities that you may want to recognize and work on establishing and firmly incorporating them into your leadership style.

Great Communication Skills

Your message needs to be delivered loud, clear, and in a polite manner. Moreover, you need to learn how to listen and how to read posture and non-verbal communication of the people that you talk to. In that way, you will be able to hone your communicative skills so that you can describe what you want to be done in a clear and articulate way. Also, you will be able to get proper feedback and truly benefit from it. It is always advisable to take communication skills training because this skill can always be improved and enhanced.

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Reasonable Flexibility

Different people respond well to different types of leaders. In order to make a great team that feels good and responds well to your management style, you need to tailor it according to your team members. By doing so, it is also important to stay true to yourself and alter your style only as long as it does not hurt your integrity. For example, if you are keen on discipline, you should not become the office prankster all of a sudden. However, you can loosen up on the rules around the office and let those that need more fun during their day have a bit. Make a balance that works for everybody.

The Ability to Spot the Talent

At times, some employees do not excel at their occupations because they are given the wrong job. Therefore, if you want to manage your team well, you need to be able to spot the talent and use it to your advantage. You can learn the talents and the affinities of your employees as early as during their interview. You can even use some of the good coaching questions that life coaches use to learn more about their clients.

Reasonable and Realistic Self-Confidence

When Walt Disney started his career, he was told that he lacked creativity and talent. Even Walt Disney got denied at the beginning, but he never gave up. At that point, it would be completely justified if he chose not to pursue his career. However, self-confidence and faith in his talents saved him from making that horrible mistake. Therefore, a healthy dose of self-confidence is desired because, in order for others to trust in your decisions, you have to trust in them first.

These are just some of the traits that make a good leader. You also need to be objective, full of patience, and be an amazing organizer. However, without these, you can’t even consider leading a team of people. Moreover, you should never forget that you are also a part of your team. You may be in the leading position, but that is just one role within the team. Keep that in mind, and do what is best for the entire team and the company in general.

Author: Dan Radak is a web hosting security professional with ten years of experience. He is a coauthor on several websites and regular contributor to BizzMark Blog. Currently, he is working with a number of companies in the field of online security, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies.

Published: December 17, 2015

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