For many of us, the idea of an international corporation that has no notable faces seems a little bit off-putting. We would rather a figurehead, even a fictional one like Mickey Mouse, to serve as the face of a corporation for us to relate to its mission and accept its place in our lives more easily.
But this can also be true for small businesses. If there’s a plucky entrepreneur to relate to, it’s easier for us to think more positively of such a brand, and for that reason many small businesses and small business leaders are starting to notice the positive effect this can have.
Becoming a figurehead for your brand is not easy, but it might be worthwhile. That said – how can you achieve such a thing? While firms like Sterling Brands can help you navigate this approach, to what extent is it relevant to your particular firm, and how can you appear to represent all of the values your firm espouses? In this post, we’ll discuss all of that and more. Without further ado, let’s begin:
Place Yourself in The Branding
It’s good to make sure you’re part of the branding. With professional-grade photographs you can use as an introduction to your website, or place in social media banners, you can naturally incorporate your smiling, welcoming presence to the rest of your brand. It might also be that video content explaining your service and what it does can help you showcase the enthusiasm you had when structuring these services, to begin with. If you do go down the route of having videos, don’t forget you’ll also need DRM (digital rights management) alongside it. A common effort like that, then, can clearly make a tremendous difference.
Learn Sales Techniques
It’s also a great idea to learn appropriate sales techniques where appropriate. Being able to keep eye contact, to use brevity, to shake hands (where this is now appropriate), and to be upright and knowledgeable of your brand and its place in the market is key towards cementing yourself as a brand figurehead. You need to be the biggest proponent of what you have to offer, the embodiment of your marketing given a human touch. This also means understanding your target audience, and taking the time to interact with them, be that at local business conventions or speaking with new business owners.
Become Affable & Sharp
Becoming an affable and sharp proponent of your brand is key. It’s important to think about how sharply you dress (having clothes fitted can be a great example), how you give friendly eye contact in meetings, how you shake hands (should a post-Covid world take place), and to what extent you can boil down your brand value to a few understandable, simple sentences.
This takes practice but putting yourself in situations where practicing these skills is necessary can be a great boon to your overall approach. With the right developmental care, you would be amazed at the progress you could make, and the trajectory your firm could make with you at the helm.
With this advice, we believe you’ll become the best and most deserving figurehead for your brand.