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10 Things You Should Know About Shep Hyken…

By: SmallBizClub



Q:   What would you do with an extra $1,000,000?
A:   The same thing I did with the last million – live, pay bills and give back to the community.

Q:   As a small business owner, who’s your ideal customer?
A:   One that shares the same passion for delivering amazing service – and that returns telephone calls promptly.

Q:   Do you ever doubt yourself or your actions?
A:   Seldom, but every once in a while I ask, “WHY?”

Q:   What’s the most important, one-word characteristic of an entrepreneur?
A:   Focus!

Q:   What’s your preferred method of communication—Email? Text? Phone? Twitter? Other?
A:   Call me old fashioned…Phone.

Q:   How do you define a “good” day?
A:   I get up without the alarm going off.  I go play hockey, Go to work and get a new client.  Clear my desk and make it home in time to have a great family dinner. That’s about as perfect as a day as I can hope for.  While every day may not be better than the last, every year should be better than the last.

Q:   If a genie granted you 3 business wishes, what would they be?
A:   Clients, clients and more clients!

Q:   What’s the most important thing on your desk right now?
A:  My new book, “Amaze Every Customer Every Time”

Q:   What’s the last thing you do before you leave the office?
A:   Turn off the lights.

Q:   What’s the first thing you do when you get to work?
A:   The first thing happens long before I “get to work.”   It starts at the end of the day before – just before I leave.  I start to plan for tomorrow.  When I finally do “get to work,” I want to hit the ground running – after I turn on the lights!

Published: August 20, 2013

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