Sales Activities
Sales: Science or Art?
Recently, I read an article about sales being more science than art. Perhaps I was a little unfair in my comments, but the author’s premises were flawed. I think we want to see sales being…
Great Selling is Habit Forming
I’m sure you’ve experienced something that gives you a “rush.” It’s when, all of a sudden, everything just falls into place, everything is working as it should, it seems effortless. Sometimes we experience it in…
What Problem is Your Customer Really Trying to Solve?
The majority of sales people, unfortunately are just peddlers—walking, talking brochures. Needless to say, customers are finding digital sources of information much more useful than talking to those sales people. The data consistently shows customers…
Fear of Failure
As sales people and leaders, we have an interesting relationship with failure. We are in an intensely competitive profession. Our customers are and should be evaluating alternatives. In any buying decision, there will only be…
Considerations When Planning Team Incentives
When planning a team incentive for your direct sales consultants it is important to consider many criteria. With careful planning you can accomplish what you set out to do without breaking the bank. For more…
Prospecting Differentiation
We want our prospecting efforts with customers to stand out. To, somehow, differentiate ourselves from the dozens of other prospecting calls or emails our customers receive. Unfortunately, our efforts at differentiation tend to focus on…
Are You Selling What You Can Sell or Selling What You Need to Sell?
Most sales people I meet are genuinely busy. They are trying to meet new customers, find new deals, qualify them, move them to closure. It seems to be almost a badge of honor when I…
Too Busy to Do What We Know is Right
The sales team knew the sales process helped improve the results they produced—they had tested it, they’d seen profound improvements in result, but they weren’t using it. They struggled to produce results. The manager knew…
4 No-Fail Ways to Increase Your Sales Through AI
Artificial Intelligence is all over the world today. We come across it daily during our hustles as we search for different things on Google, music players selecting our next music, and even when purchasing goods…
Changing the Questions
We know questions are critical to our success as sales people. Sadly, we ask too few, choosing instead to pitch our products and solutions, hoping the customer has some interest in considering them, though we…