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Risk Management
5 Important OSHA Regulations You Can’t Ignore
For three decades, OSHA has helped employers prevent injuries and save lives by protecting the workforce. If a workplace is OSHA-compliant, the employer will be empowered to recognize work hazards, protect employees from illness and injury, prevent death, and cultivate educated employees who foster general safety for the entire workplace.
Why You Need Business Interruption Insurance
Business Interruption Insurance (BII), which is intended to compensate the company for income lost in the event physical damage renders it inoperable for a period of time, can provide so much value in so many ways.
What to Do When the Unanticipated Worst Happens at Your Business
As a business owner, you may think you are prepared for anything that comes your way. However, sometimes events can transpire that can leave you caught off guard, even with most careful preparations. Here are six scenarios you need to consider when planning for the worst.
How to Balance Business Risk Versus Opportunity
There is no real business opportunity without risk. Serious entrepreneurs know that, but too many “wannabes” still fall for that elusive dream of a get-rich-quick scheme with no risk.
Minimum Auto Insurance Requirements for Your Company Vehicle
Providing vehicles for your employees is one of the best perks you can offer. Of course, providing company vehicles means insuring those vehicles, and doing that can get complicated.
Start(up) After Answering These 3 Questions on Risk
Embracing risk is important; it’s part of being an entrepreneur. However, a fundamental difference exists between taking calculated risks and being reckless altogether.
Who Let Murphy Invent That Law, Anyway?
We all know Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” And in business, it’s true—especially in a new startup business.
What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know About Liability
While it’s true that some businesses are inherently riskier than others, all business owners (including freelancers) should be familiar with potential liability issues and what they can do to minimize the risk.
Employment Practices Liability
While many business owners take the time to protect themselves and their businesses from outside risks, these are not actually the largest risks you face. In most cases, you are far more likely to be sued by an employee than an outsider.
Are You Ready for Crisis Communication?
Being hit by a natural disaster (tornado) and man-made disaster (fire) within a two month period will get you thinking about crisis readiness! Having survived the aforementioned events without more real pain than insurance company and contractor frustration, I am quite aware of how much worse things could have been for our family and for my business.