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Tax and Accounting
7 Things You Should Do to Prepare for Tax Season
The 2015 IRS tax-filing season is right around the corner. It officially kicks off on Tuesday, Jan. 20 when the IRS will begin accepting both paper and electronic returns.
Unrelated Business Taxable Income
Non-profit organizations in the United States do not pay income tax on their “income.” However, when a non-profit ventures into certain business activities, it will owe income tax on this income, termed “unrelated business taxable income (UBTI).”
Can Business Owners Deduct Holiday Gifts on Their Tax Returns?
With the holiday season in full swing, many of us are in a gift-giving mood. So this begs the question: Does the IRS allow business owners to write off gift expenses as a tax deduction when filing with Uncle Sam?
Why You Shouldn’t Do Your Own Bookkeeping
Having to deal with bookkeeping matters will mean that your focus will be pulled away from more important things like acquiring new customers and getting your company name out there.
5 Payroll Tax Mistakes to Avoid
If you have at least one employee, you are responsible for payroll taxes. These include withholding federal (and, where appropriate, state) income taxes and FICA tax from employees’ wages as well as paying the employer share of FICA tax and federal and state unemployment taxes.
5 End-of-Year Tax Tips to Cut Your Taxes Before 2015
With Thanksgiving and the holiday season upon us, it’s easy to get caught up in buying turkeys and finding stocking stuffers for the grandkids. However, it’s also a great time to start thinking about reducing your taxes and planning for April 15th.
How to Help Your Small Business Survive a Tax Audit
If your small business is selected to undergo a tax audit, there are certain steps you can take to ensure that the outcome for your business is positive.
Top Tax Write-Offs That Could Get You in Trouble with the IRS
From travel expenses to paying wages to family members, there’s no limit to what people will try to write off at tax time for the sake of their business. But where do you draw the line? Which write-offs you’re trying to write off go too far?
6 Things You Can Do This Fall to Prepare for the 2015 Tax Season
Fall has finally arrived. Believe it or not, this means the 2015 tax season is only about 3 months away. Because filing your taxes with the IRS is probably not your most favorite activity, there are some steps you can take this fall to prepare for a stress-free filing season early next year:
5 Fall Tax Tips for Small Business Owners
Happy fall! The weather is getting cooler, the leaves are changing, and football is in full swing. This is also the perfect time of year for small business owners to take some time out to devote to their entrepreneurial endeavors. Here are 5 fall tips for small business owners to help you get your business organized for the rest of the year and prepare for 2015, which is actually right around the corner: