Tax and Accounting

Why Did I Receive a Payroll Tax Notice?

Letters from the IRS are never fun. What makes it worse is not knowing why you got one in the first place. When it comes to payroll tax payments and potential fees, you want to…

The Truth About SaaS and Economic Nexus: 5 Myths Exposed

There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to SaaS and economic nexus, especially following last year’s Wayfair decision. Although these technology companies generally aren’t selling a tangible product across state lines, many state online sales tax…

What’s the Difference Between Cash Accounting and Accrual Accounting?

When businesses are formed and start filing taxes, they must pick a specific accounting method. Businesses generally choose between the cash accounting method (also called cash basis accounting) and the accrual accounting method (also called accrual basis…

What You Need to Know: States’ Online Sales Tax and Marketplace Facilitators

Across the country, states continue to update their sales tax laws in an effort to clarify provisions and increase state income. Of course, because company sales extend beyond state borders, it’s extremely important for your…

Tax Deductions for Small Business Owners

If you own a small business, you know that every dollar can be important to the success of your business. One way to improve your odds for success is to make sure that you are…

Right-Brain Finances: Tax Deductions for Creative Types

People who use the right side of their brains to work, day in and day out, are often referred to as creative types. These people include graphics designers, professional writers, commercial artists, movie makers, online…

Tax Reform’s Impact on Uber and Lyft Drivers

If you’re an Uber or Lyft driver, you may know that your taxes are changing in some pretty dramatic ways. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 ushered in a number of tax savings,…

Cash Versus Accrual Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 has led to changes in the way companies choose to be taxed. Prior to the tax reform, many businesses were required to use the accrual method of…

Thinking About an Acquisition? What Are Your State Exposures?

Thinking About an Acquisition? What Are Your State Exposures? A Company may be in the process of either acquiring another company or are looking to be acquired themselves. In either case, the company wants to…

Thinking About an Acquisition? What Are Your State Exposures?

Thinking About an Acquisition? What Are Your State Exposures? A Company may be in the process of either acquiring another company or are looking to be acquired themselves. In either case, the company wants to…

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