
TaxConnections Worldwide Directory of Tax Professionals is an authority site of tax advisors from around the world. As the leaders in our market vertical, you can find and interact with tax professionals in corporations, law firms, public accounting firms, tax services firms, government and academia in one click. Through our innovative technology, we maximize the exposure of a tax professional’s expertise and services to the more than one billion people who go online for tax advice each year.


How To Save Cash Like An Investor Before You Start Investing

Watching the balance on your savings account climb higher and higher is undeniably a deeply satisfying feeling, but there absolutely is such a thing as “having too much cash.” Piling stacks on stacks might feel…

What You Need to Know About Covid-19 Tax Relief

Over the last three months, COVID-19 has grown to affect almost every aspect of daily life. From shelter-in-place mandates to the millions of workers currently out of work, we’ve all felt the impact. As a…

COVID-19 and the Pandemic Impact on Opportunity Zones

We talked to leading tax expert Blake Christian, Tax Partner at HCVT in Long Beach, CA/Park City, Utah about the impact on Opportunity Zones during this time. The goal was to gather how the pandemic…

The Difference Between Independent Contractor And Employee: Why It Matters

If you hire someone for a long-term, full-time project or a series of projects that are likely to last for an extended period, you must pay special attention to the difference between independent contractors and…

3 Important Sales Tax Predictions to Watch for in 2020

The world of sales tax has changed a lot in the past year. Following the Supreme Court’s Wayfair decision, 2019 was the year most states began requiring businesses to collect and remit sales tax, and…

9 Top Tax-Saving Strategies for Your Business

As a business owner, you know first-hand that taxes can take a big chunk out of your pocket. No matter how small your business is or how large you grow, you’ll always be on the…

IRS Rules on Deducting Business Expenses

Business expenses are the cost of carrying on a trade or business. These expenses are usually deductible if the business operates to make a profit. What Can I Deduct? To be deductible, a business expense…

What is an S Corporation?

According to the IRS, S Corporations are corporations that elect to pass corporate income, losses, deductions, and credits through to their shareholders for federal tax purposes. Shareholders of S corporations report the flow-through of income…

Small Business Credit Options to Manage Cash Flow

Small business owners quickly learn the importance of monitoring their cash flow. The flow of money in and out of your business can impact everything from the stock you have to sell to keeping the…

7 Biggest Mistakes in Handling Accounts Receivables

Managing your company’s accounts receivables is one of the most critical aspects of fiscal health. Yet, many business owners fail to effectively handle their accounts receivables, either directly or indirectly. Poor accounts receivables policies can…