TaxConnections Worldwide Directory of Tax Professionals is an authority site of tax advisors from around the world. As the leaders in our market vertical, you can find and interact with tax professionals in corporations, law firms, public accounting firms, tax services firms, government and academia in one click. Through our innovative technology, we maximize the exposure of a tax professional’s expertise and services to the more than one billion people who go online for tax advice each year.
Home Office Deduction Changes for 2013
If you use your home for business, there are expenses you can deduct on your tax return. The home office deduction is available to both home owners & renters alike. The home must be used by a self-employed individual or an employee who works from home for his employer’s convenience.
Small Businesses Owe Big
Last December, the Second District Court of Appeal for California ruled in Cutler v. Franchise Tax Board that a California business incentive program violated the United States Constitution’s Commerce Clause.
R is for Recapture
R is for recapture. Recapture is a term that comes into play in a variety of circumstances, but it means the taxpayer is picking up income or tax, which is always a bad thing. Recapture is most commonly applied to depreciation.
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