Jania Bailey

Jania Bailey is president/COO of FranNet, North America’s most well-respected franchise consulting firm. Bailey sits on the board of directors for the International Franchise Association (IFA) and is a certified franchise expert. Her background includes over 25 years experience in the banking and franchise industries.  Bailey also authored the book, “Thriving – The Journey to Success in the Business World.” 


A Family Business? Every Business Should Be

While plenty of empirical evidence can be found to delineate both advantages and disadvantages to working with family, we’re here today to focus on the key benefits of obtaining that all important “buy-in” from your significant other.

Franchise Royalty Payments: Betting On Your Business in the Long Run

When you make your scheduled regular royalty payment to your franchisor, you are—in fact—guaranteeing a brighter future for the brand as a whole, and your business individually.

Is Starting a Business Safer Than a Job?

For some people in this economy, downsizing and rehiring has become a boom and bust routine. And over time, it can wear an individual down with anxiety. That’s usually when some become fed up enough to consider starting a business of their own.

Does a Low-Cost Franchise Mean a Low Return?

With a low cost franchise, you will typically be looking at the opposite end of cost factors than the higher-priced category. Items such as less employees, less physical space needed (sometimes none at all!) and less overhead to get started are all valued features of lower-cost franchises.

5 Franchising Myths Perpetuated by Your Neighbor

Below, we tackle five kinds of myths about franchising that are fairly common, and which we are set to debunk. Do you feel that you’re ready to get started?

Buying an Ad vs. PR Efforts to Support Your Franchise

Unless your franchise agreement has a specific clause preventing you from marketing above and beyond your required regulations, you would do well to consider the question of ad purchases versus a public relations effort to boost your bottom line sales.

Boosting Your Franchise with the Power of Social Media

The consideration of social media as an effective marketing tool has continued to become one of the strongest factors in representing brands across multiple industry channels. Simply put, social media can no longer be ignored.

Turning Over the Keys: A Lesson in Managing the Manager

One of the great selling points of a majority of franchise opportunities in the marketplace today is the option to choose a “manage the manager” business model. It’s also referred to, in a more highbrow sense, as the “semi-absentee” model.

Self-Directed 401K Options for Franchise Funding

Many potential franchisees, as they get further into the actual prospect of owning their own business, end up expressing surprise at the myriad of avenues available to them with regard to funding their franchise opportunity. Some have a healthy nest-egg of their own waiting in the wings, while others may rely on traditional bank loans.

Avoiding Franchise Funding Mistakes

A potential franchisee seriously interested in becoming an entrepreneur will take several demonstrative steps throughout the ownership process. Allow us to introduce to you the Top 5 Pitfalls of franchise funding.