Jania Bailey

Jania Bailey is president/COO of FranNet, North America’s most well-respected franchise consulting firm. Bailey sits on the board of directors for the International Franchise Association (IFA) and is a certified franchise expert. Her background includes over 25 years experience in the banking and franchise industries.  Bailey also authored the book, “Thriving – The Journey to Success in the Business World.” 


The Best Career Advice We Could Find

With the Great Resignation in full effect, more people than ever are looking into career change possibilities. Perhaps one isn’t happy with their current salary, or it could be the environment of one’s workplace that’s…

a hundred dollar bill evaporating

Should You Worry About Inflation?

You can’t help but hear about inflation these days. While we can find the positive signs that the economy is showing at every turn, it’s seemingly the only concern at the moment. But should you…

Start a Business While Keeping Your Job?

Enjoying the freedom of owning your own business has become the new American Dream. That feeling you get every morning when you wake up and realize you don’t have to report to a boss, because…

Why Buy a Franchise? Three Reasons

You think you’re ready to take the plunge into business ownership, and then the big question hits you… “Do I start my own business from scratch, or do I go with a business template, such…

The Resurgence of the Family Business

Could you imagine working day-to-day with you son or daughter? Would your father or mother make a good salesperson? Have you ever considered investing in your family’s future by owning a business together? That’s right,…

4 Road Blocks to Business Ownership

If you have dreamed of business ownership, you may have found a business concept that captured your interest. Yet, after a short period of a few days or a week, that interest and even excitement…

6 Things to Help Get You Motivated

Now isn’t the time to retreat into your shell and ride out the year by flying under the radar. No sir! Instead, we propose six intriguing ways to stay motivated and finish this year off…

Tips on Hiring Exceptional Staff

While it may appear that the title of this week’s FranNet blog makes a lot of assumptions about your future, we say it never hurts to be prepared. When you take the entrepreneurial plunge, you…

A Vision for Success

We all have a different idea of success. For some of us it might be a house or luxury vehicle we’ve always wanted, and for others it could simply be having the financial stability to…

Stop Struggling. Start Succeeding.

If the thought of making your own schedule, creating your own business strategy, and operating a business according to your own values and goals sound intriguing, you’re not alone. Sure, there are a lot of…