Brian Mikes

Brian Mikes runs marketing at Betwext provides a software platform so small businesses can better communicate with their prospects and customers through Mobile Marketing by sending individual and group text messages. You Can Start Mobile Marketing today—with $10 and 10 minutes you can be on the path to mobile marketing success! If you're looking for more information on mobile marketing, download our free guide: The Ultimate Guide To Mobile Marketing For Small Businesses.


Why SMS Marketing Works When Email Doesn’t

Let me say this right up front. I hate email marketing… I really hate it. Why? Because it doesn’t work. Really, it doesn’t. I recently had the opportunity to review the email account of a…

14 Business SMS Messages Everyone Needs to Use

Today we start with a question about sending business SMS messages… It seems like I get this question all the time: What SMS messages do I need to send? Can I get sample SMS messages…

Avoid These Mistakes Sending Bulk SMS Messages

I see small business owners making the same mistakes over and over again when trying to send bulk SMS messages to their customers. These mistakes are obviously hurting their ability to connect with customers and…

The Future of Text Message Marketing in 2017

Text message marketing is changing. It’s becoming more and more popular. Mainstream companies are adopting the marketing technique. It’s no surprise that companies like Coke and Dunkin Donuts, and other major players are adopting text…

Why Texting is Critical for Your Small Business Marketing

Look, if you’re a small business owner, or manager, you must start looking at texting for your small business today. Set aside 20 minutes and do a bit of research and figure out how to…

Holiday Text Messages: Real Life Small Business Text Marketing

Are you a small business owner? Did you send out a Holiday Text Message to your list over the latest holiday weekend? If not, why not? As a small business owner, you must use every opportunity…

The Biggest Problem Freelancers Have Today

Do you have a side hustle? Yes, a side hustle. For those of you in the dark, a side hustle is the modern day name for moonlighting. It’s having a freelance job, a side gig,…

5 Easy Tips to Move Customers from an Email List to Text Message List

This past week I received a number of questions from our customer service department. A number of customers have called in with an interesting question. They are small business owners who have built an email…

5 Expensive Mobile Marketing Mistakes

I’m cursed, really I am. I’ve been in marketing for the better part of a decade, and I’ve seen it all. So, I cringe when I see people doing things the wrong way. Yes, I’m…

What’s More Important: Social Media or Mobile Marketing?

Just the other day I was reading an article on the Inc. Magazine website. The editor, John, noted that in a recent survey, 59% of entrepreneurs don’t think Social Media is important! What made me…