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Utilize Positive Momentum to Improve Your Business

By: Brian Wallace


The start into the new year 2020. Start up of runner woman running on nature race track go to Goal of Success.  People running as part of Number 2020.  Holiday sport Concept

In life and business, good things can come from negatives. More often than not, procrastination setbacks hinder business. By building positive momentum, progress bolstered by persistent, day-to-day action, you can increase the drive of your business.

Take it from Alan Weiss, creator of the “One Percent Solution” – if you improve your business by 1% each day; in 70 days, it’ll be twice as good as it is now. Acknowledge what went wrong, reset your outlook, and take baby steps. That’s all it takes for your business to re-emerge after a setback.

We put things off for many reasons. At its origin, procrastination means lower levels of stress and more time for enjoyable activities. However, procrastinators also feel more stress, have more illness, and produce lower qualities of work. To address this causes one to be proactive.

You can take control of your business by recognizing the reality of your situation. Is it paperwork you’re behind on? Do you spend more time socializing than performing? In fact, go on to look as to how such a massive setback happened to begin with. Then, develop a plan for ways to be proactive in the future. Unaddressed setbacks have an extremely high potential to pile up and become ever more intimidating, resulting in even greater issues.

Furthermore, take control of your business by choosing to look at setbacks as lessons. Use your setbacks as motivation for brighter opportunities in the future. If harnessed correctly, your stress can be developed into a positive force. The best way to see your dreams to fruition is to turn them into goals. Michael Korda says, “One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals.” Pick one thing you want to get better at, and practice it each day.

The best goals are the ones you can see through. To make sure that your goal is motivating, write it down – as well as why it’s valuable and important to you. Make lists, even. One study showed that making a plan to get tasks done can reduce the anxiety of having uncompleted to-do’s. Not only that, but lists can also help give structure to getting things done and prioritized.

However, before a goal can become a plan, you need an idea or vision. Start with a dream about your targets, as well as for your ideal time frame and beyond. Furthermore, start the right habits to hit when you decide to begin practicing toward your goal.

Remember: take baby steps. Consider beginning with the easiest task that needs to be done, and continue from there. By having one victory down early-in, the next goal may not be so intimidating to approach and accomplish. Eventually, your momentum will build to where going forward is easier than not.

Nonetheless, beginning with the end in mind can help your business re-emerge after a halt. Read more on managing your momentum below.

Managing Momentum
Source: MBA Central

Published: June 24, 2020

Source: MBACentral

Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading infographic design agency based in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies that range from startups to Fortune 500s. Brian also runs #LinkedInLocal events nationwide, hosts the Next Action Podcast, and has been named a Google Small Business Advisor for 2016-2018.

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