How to Handle Franchise Accounts

The ability to understand franchise accounts is arguably the most important skill that a franchisee can possess. While some franchisors will offer to take over this responsibility, franchisees need to have a comprehensive knowledge of franchise accounting practices for their own protection and control.
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Is Starting a Business Safer Than a Job?

For some people in this economy, downsizing and rehiring has become a boom and bust routine. And over time, it can wear an individual down with anxiety. That’s usually when some become fed up enough to consider starting a business of their own.
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Meeting Franchise Business Requirements

Stringent requirements for becoming a franchise owner can be frustrating when you’re looking for a franchise business opportunity. You may feel that net worth or experience requirements are freezing you out when you deserve a chance.
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Love the Model, Not the Product

When searching for a business to own that you are sincerely interested in, look deeper than the product. While demand for the product or service is an important piece of the successful business formula, it is not what the business owner is going to live, eat and breathe every day—it’s the model of the business.
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Does a Low-Cost Franchise Mean a Low Return?

With a low cost franchise, you will typically be looking at the opposite end of cost factors than the higher-priced category. Items such as less employees, less physical space needed (sometimes none at all!) and less overhead to get started are all valued features of lower-cost franchises.
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