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5 Ways to Reduce Costs and Improve Business Performance

By: Sam Makad


Ways to Reduce Costs and Improve Business Performance

Technology’s continuous advancements have torn apart the barrier between and among nations. Thanks to ecommerce, individual industries now operate their respective businesses within a circuit of globalized market systems. Unfortunately, such ecommerce has resulted in business opportunities as well as threats.

Ecommerce has made transacting business between and among individuals of diverse locations and entities easy, and it has also provided both suppliers and buyers with the opportunity to access wider markets to transact business with those whom their interests are best-suited.

Thanks to ecommerce, competition has gone international due to the opportunity to request, examine, purchase and deliver as provided. It has also forced businesses to provide quality products and services at more affordable costs.

Cost control is very important for businesses trying to enhance productivity through a combination of input in relation to output because it also enhances performance.

How Do We Reduce Costs Without Compromising Quality?

Cost management is an essential part of an organization’s strategy. It helps reduce costs and increase profits, which also enhances business performance. Here are 5 tips to consider when seeking to reduce costs without compromising product and service quality:

Cut Production Costs and Reduce Supply Expenses:

Cutting production costs and reducing supply expenses is necessary when trying to reduce costs and increase profits.

There are several ways to cut production costs:

  • Exploit available space while leasing out unused spaces to smaller businesses with complementary services;
  • Prioritize employee effectiveness;
  • Monitor appropriate use of capital; and
  • Emphasize entrepreneurial commitment and focus.

To cut costs on supplies, whether of raw materials or for equipment and appliances, entrepreneurs must prioritize. Contact traditional vendors and notify them of your decision to price shop. If possible, contact and buy from established suppliers, like Amazon, whose prices are often much lower.

Harness Virtual Technology and Modernize Marketing Efforts

Business-related travel costs are often the reason for bloated overhead costs. The need to travel long distances has been eliminated because of video conferencing, which can be initiated from practically anywhere.

Thanks to social media platform, marketing has modernized, allowing businesses to reach out to their customers, target business leads and convert leads to customers. The use of expensive, paid adverts is declining and of little importance today.

Maximize Employee Skills

While employee training can be expensive, ignoring an employee can become even more expensive. Well-trained employees are more effective and efficient. They help improve productivity, reduce costs, promote efficiency and improve output quality.

It could take an ill-trained employee as many as 10 hours to complete a task that a well-trained and skilled employee could do in five. Providing skilled employees with greater tasks provides incentives to motivate them better, which increases productivity and cuts costs.

Lower Financial Expenditures

Entrepreneurs can review their financial expenditures by examining their financial records and insurance policies; thereby allowing them to make a more-informed financial decision geared at cutting costs and maximizing performance.

A study of the insurance provider competitive market allows for the opportunity to compare different insurance provider rates to know how your insurance policy rate compares.  This information can then be used to request a rate adjustment from your provider.

Be Time Conscious

Wasted time is a wasted dollar. With an app like RescueTime, you can ensure employees focus on tasks, minimize distractions and limit access to time-wasters. Setting expectations and promoting a time-management culture are also important. Tasks that are executed within a specified time-frame, reduce costs that could be better spent elsewhere, thereby giving way for better planning to enhance productivity.


While profit is important to the proper functioning of a business enterprise, improved quality and effective cost management is more important. A dollar gained in revenue is desirable and essential for the growth of a business, but a dollar saved from cost directly impacts the bottom line guaranteeing an increase in profit and an essential sign of business performance.  So, while focusing on the top-line, don’t forget to manage costs to ensure the creation of long-term value.

Published: December 19, 2017

Sam Makad

Sam Makad is an experienced writer and marketing consultant at Study Clerk. His expertise lies on marketing and advertising. He helps small & medium enterprises to grow their business and overall ROI. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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