Dawn Fotopulos

Dawn Fotopulos is the founder of BestSmallBizHelp.com, a site dedicated to helping struggling solopreneurs. The site is home to an array of valuable tools for small business owners that will guide you through all the steps necessary to develop a successful small business. Dawn also serves as Associate Professor of Business at The King’s College in NY. She’s a frequent commentator at MSNBC’s “Your Business,” the NY Times Small Business Summit, the Kaufmann Foundation’s Fast Track Program, and Forbes.


Small Business Marketing: Tips from Peter Drucker

One of the most important things to remember about marketing strategy is that marketing and sales are two different things. Always remember, the best marketing tips for small businesses will fail unless you put yourself in your customers’ shoes.

Marketing Tips: The Power of Customer Testimonies

An important part of marketing is knowing how to leverage your current customer base in order to gain more customers. When people are thrilled with the work you’ve done, they will refer others.

How to Market with Your Prices

Pricing strategies will help your small businesses make more money. Nothing affects your profits more than the price you charge for your products. But in reality, pricing can be a challenging part of an overall marketing strategy

How to Set Up a Chart of Accounts

Now that you know how to set up your accounting system and how to hire a bookkeeper, its time to learn about some bookkeeping basics. You may have been avoiding this for a long time, but its easier than you think!

How to Start the Bookkeeping Process

Even if you do hire a bookkeeper, you have to be able to give them something to work with. So here’s how you should think about starting the bookkeeping process.

How to Hire a Bookkeeper

Knowing the ins and outs of how to hire a bookkeeper is important for running a successful business. It is essential to get the right person working for you who is a good match for your company.

Setting Up Your Accounting System

Having a good accounting system in place is essential in order for your business to grow to its fullest potential. Here is your blueprint for setting it up.