is an online, small business platform that matches entrepreneurs with credit solutions based on their business preferences in a safe and price-transparent environment. Biz2Credit is a market leader with more than 1,100 lenders, over $800 million in funding, and over 1.6 million SMB users in the U.S.


3 Traits That Make for a Great Business Idea

There are over 300 million Americans, and many of them have had an idea for what they think could make a great business. Few ever actually give it a shot, and fewer still are successful. So what actually does make for a great business idea?

3 Ways to Save Time and Money Looking for Startup Loans

Finding loans to start a business can be time consuming and costly if you are not careful. While it does not usually actually cost anything to apply for a loan moneywise, it does cost time, and time is money.

4 Apps to Help Stay on Top of Your Small Business Finances

One of the first bumps in the road is managing the finances. It can become very overwhelming very quickly. In today’s world of technology however, help is easier than ever to find. Following are mobile apps to help you manage your small business finances.

3 Tips for Breaking into a Saturated Market

Let’s say you want to open and ice cream parlor, but there are already 10 in your city. Maybe you want to start a dog walking business but all the pooches are already being walked by the four others who have already established themselves.

What to Do During a Slow Season

A slow season every now and then can be difficult to avoid, as most small businesses will inevitably hit a slump in revenue at one time or another. However, just because profits have dropped does not mean work is over.

What to Do Before Applying for a Business Loan

A critical stage in the small business loan application process happens before you even begin filling out an application form. There is much advance preparation to be done.

Whether to Move Your Small Business from Your Home Office

Many small businesses start out as a simple office in a spare room. As your company grows, you might end up needing more space, more help, or both. Entrepreneurs are often hesitant to leave the comfort of their comfortable homes for an office, but it’s usually a necessary move that will impact the business’s success.

How Merchant Cash Advance Can Help Your Small Business

Qualifying for a loan can be difficult for entrepreneurs who have poor credit history. Luckily, there are quite a few alternative methods to attain financing for your small business, aside from the traditional bank loan.

Who is Self-Employed?

The IRS considers you as a self-employed individual if you operate a business as a sole proprietor or as an independent contractor or if are a member of a partnership.

Is It Your Season?

Are you a woman wanting to start a business but struggling to determine whether or not it is the right time? Do you need to wait until the timing is more “spot on,” or should you just jump right in and get started?