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5 Tips for Online Privacy During Your Next Business Trip

By: Matt Shealy


5 Tips for Online Privacy During Your Next Business Trip

There are a lot of components that go into leisure traveling, but business traveling can be a whole different ball game.

Not only do you have to pay attention to making your flight, finding your hotel, and getting to your meetings on time after 12+ hours of travel. but you also need to make sure that the small coffee shop internet you just connected to is secure enough to make sure people aren’t hacking your emails or listening in on your video chats with coworkers.

It’s terrifying really, but in this post, we’ll give you 5 tips on how to establish online privacy for your next business trip.

1. Update Software

Regardless of what type of laptop, cellphone, or tablet you have, when there is a new software update released your device will notify you.

Before going on your next business trip make sure you update your software.

New software codes are usually released to protect your device from potential threats.

When updating your devices, make sure you’re using the appropriate platforms to update software—usually it is suggested through your settings.

Disregard requests to update software from other places such as email, social media, or other foreign channels.

The chances are that is someone trying to get you to click a link that will be able to hack your devices.

2. Use a VPN Service

Virtual Private Network (VPN) services allow you to use the internet by routing your device through a secure and private connection, so hackers and other eavesdroppers cannot see your information.

With identity theft being the largest cybercrime in the US, it is possible that your device could still be hacked with a VPN service. With that said, it is much more unlikely that the hackers will be able to decrypt your VPN system.

Depending on how much security you want will depend on what service you should sign up for, but regardless using a VPN service will keep all those pesky hackers away from your work.

3. Delete Apps You Don’t Use

According to the New York Times, travel companies are prime targets for a cyberattack. That means airport Wi-Fi connections and airline databases.

If you are traveling internationally be aware that hackers are expecting you to connect to the Wi-Fi while you’re waiting for customs, and they’re going through your information.

Reset your network preferences and delete your apps you don’t use.

If you cannot part with some of your information, we get it, download the TravelMode app. It will make sure that your secure information is secured while you’re traveling.

4. Don’t Download Files

Sometimes apps and downloadable files are written with cryptic coding, so as soon as you hit “download,” you could be facing not only a device crash but also information being stolen.

Avoid downloading information and new apps through an unsecured network.

If you do download material over an unsecured network, make sure your accounts have unique passwords and your cache has been cleared, so that if an app tries to update or access your phone, you will have to give it permission first.

If it’s not absolutely crucial to your work, delete the downloads and apps and wait until you’re on a safe network to access them again.

5. New Devices

If you are really nervous about your business information being taken into the wrong hands, you can always bring along a second device that you only use for business purposes.

Back up important files you need onto an external hard drive and bring new devices with you when you travel.

Hackers can’t steal your information if there isn’t any information to steal.

Wrap Up

Identity theft and Cybercrimes are becoming a bigger and bigger threat to everyone who interacts with the internet—according to the United Nations, “as of December 2018, 51.2% of the world uses the internet.”

Take proper precautions and protect yourself next time you’re traveling.

Published: March 13, 2019

Matt Shealy

Matt Shealy is the President of ChamberofCommerce.com. Chamber specializes in helping small businesses grow their business on the web while facilitating the connectivity between local businesses and more than 7,000 Chambers of Commerce worldwide.

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