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5 Ways to Use Emotion in Web & Graphic Design Projects


If you haven’t been using emotion in your web and graphic design projects, you need to change that now. Using inspirational design will help you connect with your target audience faster and cause them to engage with your projects more.

Using emotional design can seem difficult if you haven’t used it before, but we want to help you make the best decisions and create the best designs that will create a connection between the users and your brand.

What Is Emotional Design?

Emotional design is about creating designs that help provoke emotions in the target users. The goal is to evoke emotions that give users a positive experience when interacting with your website, graphic design projects, and products.

There are many options you have to use emotion in your designs, and we want to tell you what some of them are. This article will help you get started with feeling in design.

1. Use Visuals Thoughtfully In Your Designs

Using the right visuals in your design to provoke certain emotions in users is a great way to build a connection between users and your brand. It would help if you did not use any visuals; you need to choose them carefully to ensure they create the intended effect on users. It can be challenging to find the correct visuals when you start using emotional design, and that’s why hiring design consulting firms in San Francisco can help you get started and make the right decisions.

You need to choose the colors you are using in your design carefully. Different colors will help evoke other emotions, and you need to understand what colors will make your target users feel what you want them to. If you need help understanding color psychology and choosing the best color palette, find design firms in San Francisco to help you.

2. Use Text And Visuals Consistently

It would help if you were consistent with your use of text and visuals in your design. They should not be contrasting each other. They need to work together to help build a connection with the user. If the colors are bright and exciting, then the text’s tone needs to be the same. If it isn’t, it will give users mixed messaging, which can confuse them and cause them not to trust your brand.

This doesn’t just need to happen with text and visuals. Every part of your website’s design or graphic design project needs to be consistent and work together. You should create a style guide that you can follow to make sure your design is always consistent.

3. Create A Personalized Experience For Your Users

Use what your users have been doing on your website to suggest what else they might like. Having this personalized experience will help build a connection with your users, and they will want to continue interacting with your website. You can suggest content that will affect users’ emotions and make them feel differently about engaging with your product.

You need to understand your users if you want to do this right. It would help if you had already researched your users and found out about them. What do they like? What do they dislike? Why are they using your product? All of this information can be used to create the experience you want users to have.

4. Give Your Brand A Personality

Giving your brand a personality will help your users connect with your brand. This will be easier to do than trying to create a connection with just any organization. Having a mascot that your users can recognize will help make positive emotional connections to help your brand succeed.

Popular brands use mascots to make their brands more recognizable and give their brand a personality that people can get behind and support. This has helped many brands be successful, and you should try giving your brand a character as well. It would help to make sure the personality is consistent with your brand. It should match your content’s tone and other communications with your users.

5. Give Users What They Want

You need to help users get what they want. You need to make sure this is done quickly and is easy for them. When they start using your product, they should find what they wish to intuitively, whether it’s an answer to a question or accomplishing a goal. If the user has difficulty, then they will stop using your product.

The design of your product needs to be usable. This will help create a positive emotional connection with your users. If the design isn’t functional, this will cause frustration, and it will be challenging to give users a great experience. 


Emotional design is a great way to connect users and your brand. It can be challenging to create emotion through your design, but it will help you create loyal users who will want only to use your product and not the competition. Emotional design can change, and you need to continue modifying it to give your users the best experience.

Once you understand your users and what they want from your product, you can create vibrant, usable, and intuitive designs. This will help you attract more users and give you an advantage over the competition.

Published: July 12, 2022

Mike Dunlop

Michael Dunlop

Michael Dunlop is a business professional with a keen interest in entrepreneurship, company strategy, and testing out new marketing techniques.

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