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4 Must-Have Technologies for Your Health Facility to Stay Ahead of the Competition

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There are so many ways technology can help grow your business. Technological advancements have helped us make strides in many different areas, one of which is healthcare. Without certain tools, healthcare facilities wouldn’t be able to operate with as much efficiency and accuracy as they do now or provide patients with the right care.

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mcmurryjulie from Pixabay

It’s become clear that technological issues can represent challenges for hospitals. If an organization fails to apply health IT strategies, it will soon have to cease operations. While there are many different technologies to choose from, some aren’t as helpful or useful as others.

That’s why we’ve comprised a list of technologies every health care facility needs to have.

Practice management software

Practice management is the process of managing the business aspect and the administrative tasks of a healthcare facility. There are many different tasks that fall into this category, such as daily administration, patient communication, and calendar management. Practice management software is an application that allows you to gather all of these tasks together and manage them.

It is used by healthcare facilities to operate medical and healthcare practices. At its core, the software’s purpose is to streamline appointment bookings, organize administrative tasks, manage patients’ medical records, as well as simplify billing and invoice creation.

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Darko Stojanovic from Pixabay

The practice management software will use a calendar or scheduling program to organize all patient bookings while also storing important patient details. That isn’t the only use of this software however, as it comes with a plethora of great features, some of which include:

  • Text and email appointment reminders
  • Client database
  • Financial reporting
  • Test result uploading
  • Correspondence with patients
  • Clinical notes
  • Appointment calendars

Finally, here are some of the benefits your healthcare facility will have if you start using practice management software.

  • Less time spent on administrative tasks. As the software does all of these tasks faster than any human could, it saves your team hours of work every week and leaves more time for patient care.
  • Reducing no-shows. As the software allows you to communicate with customers, you can remind them about upcoming appointments.
  • Growing your practice. A good practice management tool will give your team members all the information they need to run a smooth operation. Your patients will see your facility’s potential and appreciate your hard work, which will lead to growth.

Website builder

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Nowadays, a business can’t stay operational without a well-made professional website. Keep in mind that 5% of all Google searches are health-related, so your online presence is important to your success.

A healthcare facility website needs to provide its patients and the entire community with new and updated information about their services, upcoming events, and treatments offered in their facility.

However, your organization’s website needs to be more than just a tool to provide people with information. It’s also the extension of your facility’s brand and healthcare marketing. The functionality of your website and the content you post are a demonstration of your organization’s values.

To create the perfect website, you need to use one of the best website builders to create a platform that will show your facility is worth the patient’s trust.

Also, while you’re building your website, you need to organize all of your content in a strategic manner. Use minimal wording to create lists that will group relevant information together in a way that will be easy to understand and navigate through.

The website should have a completely responsive design and work on all devices, as a large number of people search for information via mobile phones.

An online presence is important to keep your healthcare facility relevant and if your website is out of date, it will seem as if your practices are out of date as well. With a good website, you will seem modern and trustworthy.

You should also consider including a blog on your website to establish yourself as a leader and expert in your industry. With a carefully implemented content strategy, you can update your patients on the following information:

  • Press releases and announcements regarding your facility
  • New and up-to-date case studies
  • Updated facts about healthcare
  • Stories from satisfied patients

VoIP phone service

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Voice over internet protocol, better known as VoIP, is software that allows telephone services to operate via computer networks while saving an average of 32 call minutes daily. It does this by converting your voice into a digital signal and allowing you to use your computer to make calls.

Many healthcare facilities use outdated desk phone systems and various multi-channel communications, which can be overwhelming to keep up with. If you need to manage several channels, have a faster response time, and offer more accessibility, what your healthcare facility really needs is a VoIP phone service.

One of its best qualities is that it’s a cloud-based service that offers multiple features that can be used to improve communication. Your team can assist patients from anywhere via any channel.

There are so many providers on the internet, but not all of them offer reliable services. Check out this VoIP phone service buyers guide to find the best fit for your facility.

Some of the benefits of using VoIP include:

  • Unified communications. The days of using a landline phone are long gone. With VoIP, your patients can use a platform of their choice to contact your healthcare facility. This system will put all of these communications in one spot so you can monitor them easily.
  • An implemented mobile app. With this software, you can create a mobile app that your team members and patients can use to communicate via instant messages, regardless of their location.
  • Team chat rooms. Communication with team members is essential for any business. In healthcare, fast communication can be of great importance. A VoIP allows you to create a chat room where all team members can communicate in real-time.
  • Call recording and monitoring. Have a record of all communication with patients and employees so important details aren’t missed or forgotten. Thanks to a cloud-based storage system, you won’t have to worry about backing up this information.

Patient-friendly technologies

Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

At the end of the day, your healthcare facility relies on your patients more than on anything else, so you need to have technologies that will keep them satisfied. These technologies will influence your facility’s reputation and show how you accommodate patients.

You need to leverage IT that will directly impact your patients, and here are some technologies that can really make a difference.

  • Speech-assisted automated attendant system. An automated attendant, also known as a digital receptionist, can help avoid dropped calls and reduce staff overtime at the same time.
  • Self-registered kiosks. If you position these kiosks in secure patient admitting areas, the patients can verify their own identities and update information easily.
  • A Wi-Fi connection. This can benefit all patients and visitors as a wireless connection allows them to access the internet and avoid boredom and frustration in the waiting room.
  • Online bill payment. Instead of making your patients wait in long lines to settle their bills, allow them to pay for all services directly on your website.

Final thoughts

Technology is taking over the world by storm, and it’s bringing a lot of benefits. Unfortunately, a lot of healthcare facilities are refusing to keep up with the changing times, and it’s costing them a lot of business.

Don’t fall into the same trap. Instead, do your best to stay ahead of your competition by implementing the best technologies.

Published: July 6, 2020


Igor Zagradanin

Igor Zagradanin is a content marketing expert with a proven track record of helping businesses by adding value to their brands, developing a content marketing strategies, as well as educating and connecting with their audiences on a personal level. In his spare time, he plays guitar, produces electronic music, does yoga, learns how to ski, and (with more or less success) tries to get in touch with his inner child.

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