5 Special Qualities Shared by Courageous Leaders

A leader has so many special qualities that it’s inspirational when you work with them. They possess an invisible aura that radiates confidence and challenges everyone around them to achieve greater heights than they would have ever dared to try before.
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Insincere Apologies Are Trust Killers

Expressing remorse without any real intent to change comes off as insulting or dismissive, like someone who always comes late to a meeting and says, “I’m sorry I’m late.” The likely truth is she never really intended to be on time. No one believes her apology, and so she is not trusted.
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80/20 Management

As managers, we are expected to lead, manage, and coach all our people—not just some of them. Our job is to maximize the performance of each person in our organization. So we have to pay attention to everyone, again making sure each is performing as best possible, meeting our performance expectations.
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7 Tips for Entrepreneurs Who Like to Work Alone

You can’t win as an entrepreneur working alone. You need to have business relationships with team members, investors, customers, and a myriad of other support people. That doesn’t mean you have to be a social butterfly to succeed, or introverts need not apply.
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