Navigating Recent Changes That Impact Small Businesses (Video)

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In the dynamic landscape of business operations, staying abreast of legal and regulatory changes is paramount for entrepreneurs and business owners. Recent developments in employment agreements and overtime pay regulations merit close attention, as they can significantly impact organizational strategies and financial planning. Let’s delve into the implications of these changes and explore proactive measures…

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How the 2016 Overtime Rule Affects Small Businesses

As a small business owner, your largest overhead component, 70% on average, is labor. You might have assumed that, within the bounds of things like the minimum wage, you’re essentially free as a small businessperson to negotiate whatever wage and salary with your employees that you’d like. There are, however, additional requirements that you must…

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12 Myths about Overtime Exemptions

Under federal law, non-exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay. While exempt employees need not be paid overtime, they must meet very specific salary and duties criteria outlined in the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA). Understanding overtime requirements can be challenging and complying with the FLSA requires employees to be properly classified. In this Tip, we provide 12 of the most common myths concerning overtime and exemptions.
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The Real Cost of Overtime

Whether you pay hourly or by salary, overtime is expensive and often not worth the expense. In most cases your employees should be able to complete their work in the 40 regular hours each week.
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