8 Best Practices To Protect Your Team From Data Loss

a business owner upset over lost data

As important as data is, sometimes it can be lost, corrupted, or inaccessible. When data is lost, whether through accidental deletion, hardware error, technical malfunction, power loss, or natural disaster, it can have serious repercussions. You risk losing a significant amount of time and money trying to recover the data or fixing the problem that…

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5 Key Benefits of Digital Signatures for Businesses

a digital signature

In today’s digital world, technology plays a key role for businesses of all sizes and in all industries. Customer expectations are rapidly evolving, in step with the progress of technology. Therefore, companies need to embrace digital transformation to meet these ever-changing expectations. Digital signature solutions have been around for some time, and many companies use…

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A Brief Overview of Endpoint Encryption for Small Businesses

Cyber threats and concerns are ubiquitous these days. It isn’t uncommon to hear about an aggressive breach or hack affecting a big corporation or large-scale service provider. Small businesses aren’t insulated from such problems. They’re especially vulnerable to such issues, and using some type of defensive measure is imperative to prevent problems. That’s where endpoint…

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Security and Usability: 3 Ways You Can Have Both

While surfing the web, you can come across a debate in the business world that you can either have security or usability, but not both. Historically, usability trumped security. There was no way for the average computer user to incorporate security practices into their daily routine. But with the advent of new technologies, that paradigm…

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How To Protect Your Business From Data Fraud

By October 2020, every American brick-and-mortar merchant will be required to use chip transactions. Failure to do so will result in the brand being liable for any fraud that results. Why is this? Chip cards reduce the rate of counterfeit payments received. In 2019, 99% of American payments were processed on chip cards; and during…

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