What is a Credit Inquiry and Why is it Important?

There are a lot of factors that go into determining your credit score. While you’re likely aware that being tardy in repayments or declaring bankruptcy are the kinds of things that can damage your credit score, are you aware of the impact that a credit inquiry can have on your score? Below we’ll take a…

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5 Ways You Could Be Damaging Your Company’s Credit Score

Almost every small company needs to borrow at one point or another, and ideally sooner than later. And when you do, your credit score will dictate who does business with you and at what interest rate. So it’s in your interest to keep your score as high as possible. Here are a few common pitfalls…

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Protect Your Personal Credit Score to Boost Your Business

If you’re running a very small business, or a very young one, you may not have the corporate credit score you require to take out the borrowing you need. In this case, you’ll be relying on your personal credit score to obtain finance—so what you can do to boost it? Here’s how to build your…

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