Income vs. Profit vs. Revenue

Motivated entrepreneurs dream of dollar signs—bright, S-shaped figures that shimmer and represent the true reward of starting a venture and reaping the financial benefits of the hard work that goes into it.
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Need a Small Business Loan? Your Options May Be Limited

Entrepreneurs exploring options on funding a small business often turn to bank loans as an effective way for them to get initial capital to pay back once they have income flowing in. However, a recent report from The Wall Street Journal indicates that while there’s been slight growth in small business lending, the numbers are not very promising.
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How to Turn Your Hobby into a Small Business

From running on a treadmill to playing the trumpet to writing haikus, there are lots of activities that we all enjoy to get some much-needed relaxation from the everyday stresses of life. So, in the entrepreneurial world, this begs the question: is it possible to turn one of your favorite hobbies into a formal, money-making business venture?
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