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Millennial Entrepreneurship Made Easy

By: Bill Bradley


Millennial Entrepreneurship Made Easy

Older generations like the baby boomers quickly dismiss the millennial class as lazy, narcissistic and entitled. But millennials like yourself don’t often get the credit they deserve.

Not only are you part of the largest living generation in the United States, but as you and your peers are maturing into innovative leaders with a strong work ethic, you crave worthwhile business opportunities, too.

That’s where franchising comes in.

Get the Lifestyle You’ve Always Wanted

Millennials aren’t looking for a job, they’re looking for a lifestyle. They crave a flexible work environment that offers a healthy work-life balance. And 72 percent of the generation says they want to be an entrepreneur. The world of franchising provides precisely that…and more.

Franchising allows you to be your own boss and is an industry built to provide support that nurtures your success. It’s basically a streamlined version of starting your own business that already has brand recognition and uses a model proven to be profitable.

A CT Corporation study found that 60 percent of college students want to start a business after they graduate, but 67 percent of college graduates say they lack the know-how to do so. Franchising bridges that gap.

Franchisors give their franchisees as much support as possible with everything from marketing and IT support to business coaching on best practices and operational systems. This bodes well for millennials like yourself because experts say your generation wants to be mentored and enjoys working as a team.

The Things They Criticize You for Are Your Greatest Assets

Although baby boomers see millennial “laziness” as a setback, it’s actually a characteristic they use to their advantage; it’s that same laziness that drives them to be more innovative. They’re all about saving time, so they seek ways to be more efficient and get energy from improving their work and the work of others.

Sound like you? That’s why franchising is perfect for your generation. You don’t have to come up with a unique idea to make a prosperous living running a business you can call your own. All you have to do is follow a well-structured plan designed for success and profitability.

Another thing you and your peers are criticized for is an obsession with social media and technology. Although older folks may see it as a waste of time, it’s a necessary evil when owning a business.

Dan Rowe, Founder and CEO Fransmart told QSR Magazine that the millennial class’ innate ability to adapt to new tech and engage with an online audience helps them thrive. He went on to say, “They [millennials] are able to generate their own buzz without paying to advertise.”

Let the Haters Hate

People may not speak highly of millennials, but remember, you’re one of the most culturally diverse and well-educated generations of all time. You’re not out-of-the-box thinkers, you break down the box and build new ones.

It doesn’t matter what they say about you because what matters is what you do with your greatest assets, which just so happen to align perfectly with franchising. Because this industry can potentially give you more than a conventional career ever could.

If you’re interested in learning more about franchising, check out the International Franchise Association’s NextGen program, specifically developed to educate millennials about the benefits of franchising. And when you’re ready, America’s Best Franchises can connect you with the best business opportunities in the country.

Published: September 21, 2018

Source: America's Best Franchises

Bill Bradley

Bill Bradley

Bill Bradley is founding member and CEO of America’s Best Franchises, LLC.  Bill founded three financial services firms, Ocean Shores Ventures, Denali International and William Bradley Enterprises. In addition, to launching America’s Best Franchises in 2005, Bill orchestrated approximately 20 private equity transactions in excess of $31 million, and launched five specific purpose private equity partnerships.

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